Picture: Zoe Phillips

This is another opportunity to take action this year. When systems supposedly designed to make our society better are not serving us any longer, isn’t it legitimate to question those systems? This is what John Dahlsen, a former ANZ director and chairman of Woolworths, and owner of building supplier Dahlsens, recently did in Australia, where the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is overwhelming with its requests for information. This has been putting an expensive and disruptive burden on private companies in the country, already stressed by the global reset.

You can read Dahlsen’s full letter here. It provides a brutal assessment of the technocracy being built around business information and accounting in Australia. Robert Gottliebsen wrote an article about this in the newspaper The Australian on March 31, 2021: “Breaking the silence on tax office inquisition of private companies”.

Related reading:

Solari Reports:

Shadow Work
Technocracy with Patrick M. Wood

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