By Dr. Joseph Farrell

Now, while the world cup soccer finals were going on – which Germany eventually won – the nations of the BRICSA bloc were busy talking to each other, and one of them, Mr. Putin, was talking with Mama Merkel. I was not able to comment on all of this at the time, having had to pre-schedule over a month of blogs due to the Secret Space Program conference (we’ll get back into orbit again this week, eventually, so be patient).

Now, what do you want to bet that they are not talking about soccer? Interestingly, while Putin and Merkel were at the World Cup, along with Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff, and her counterpart, Christina de Kirchner of Argentina, President Obama was not. One might wonder at the convenience of the finalists of the world cup being Germany and Argentina, for the latter wants into the BRICSA bloc, and the former has close trading ties with its two biggest members, Russia and China, and is also “less than happy” about American spying and other “activity.”

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