Bigger, Boulder, Better

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this.

We want to put up the best conference on Breaktrough Energy ever.

Due to popular demand and much enthusiasm we have already started planning the 2013 conference. This time we are bringing GlobalBEM to the United States!

Here is where you come in:

We didn’t break even with our 2012 conference, but thanks to private sponsors we were able to make it happen. That’s why this time we want to get YOU involved and support the cause. We want to spread the word about breakthrough energy technologies and its implications. We can’t make this conference happen and bring this wealth of information to the world without your help.

On top of our running costs/operational costs, we have an urgent milestone that we need your help with. Our goal is to raise $30,000 with this campaign to cover airline and hotel reservations for our speakers and team.

Can you envision a world free of fossil fuels, that is both economically sustainable and environmentally responsible?

Learn more here!

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