Q&A: The FBI’s Role in ‘Manufacturing’ Terrorism
Yahoo! Finance | 02 May 2013
In his new book, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism…

‘Killer Robots Should Not Have Power to Destroy Human Life’: U.N. Report Warns Britain and U.S Have Semi-Autonomous Machines
The Daily Mail | 03 May 2013
Killer robots that can attack targets without any human input…

Billionaire Bankster Penny Pritzker Breaks into Obama’s Cabinet
Greg Palast | 02 May 2013
We never heard of this guy Barack Obama until 2004. Less than three years before taking the presidency…

Penny Pritzker Nominated for Commerce Secretary
Chicago Tribune | 02 May 2013
Chicago business executive Penny Pritzker was nominated by President Barack Obama…

Cypriot Parliament Approves Controversial EU-IMF Bailout Deal
PressTV | 30 April 2013
The Cypriot parliament has approved a controversial EU-IMF bailout deal…

Trading Democracy for ‘Security’
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Bill Moyers | 26 April 2013
Columnist Glenn Greenwald talks about the Boston bombings and government secrecy…

Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition
Open Society Institute | February 2013
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency embarked on…

Moving Ahead with “Pension Progress”
Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis | 26 April 2013
Buried in a transportation bill that President Obama signed on July 6, 2012…strong

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