Daniel Hannan MEP South East England

Postal Chief Says Post Office Running Out of Money
Breitbart.com (25 March 09)

U.S. Bill Seeks to Rescue Faltering Newspapers
Reuters (24 March 09)

Can Private Security Guards Act As Cops?
CBS2chicago.com (24 March 09)

Flotsam & Jetsam: Has Washington Gone Mad?
Prorev.com (23 March 09)

A Note to Donors to The Wayne Madsen Legal Defense Fund
Wayne Madsen Report

Schenectady Mayor Considers Options, Martial Law Over Police Woes
Capital News 9 (24 March 09)

Political Class Gives Geithner Good Reviews, Most Americans Disagree
Rasmussen Reports (22 March 09)

68% Say Bailout Money Is Going To Those Who Caused The Economic Crisis
Rasmussen Reports (19 March 09)

Think Twice Before Snapping Pix of British Bobbies
Yahoo Finance (16 Feb 09)

From Our Overstocked Archives
prorev.com (27 Feb 09)

Highway Robbery? Texas Police Seize Black Motorists’ Cash, Cars
Chicagotribune.com (10 March 09)

Preparing for Civil Unrest in America
Legislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases

Global Research.ca (18 March 09)

Germany Becomes The First Country to Admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations

A Message to Citizens of The US, Heed The Warning From Australia And The UK: Do Not Under Any Circumstances Give Up Your Guns

Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk®

This is Only The Beginning

Obama Secretly Ends Program That Let Pilots Carry Guns
The Washington Times (17 March 09)

Ex-Bush Admin Official: Many at Gitmo Are Innocent
Yahoo News (20 March 09)

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