Who owns Colorado’s rainwater?
Los Angeles Times (18 March 09)

The Radical Polarization of Law Enforcement
The August Review (18 March 09)

Lose Your Property For Growing Food?
World Net Daily (16 March 09)

White House Rejects Request to Use Stimulus to Pay Off State Debt
CNN Politics.com (16 March 09)

In a First, Bankruptcy Judge Rules Calif. City Can Void Union Contracts
Law.com (17 March 09)

Medvedev Announces Plan to Rearm Russia
International Herald Tribune (17 March 09)

Gates Readies Big Cuts in Weapons
boston.com (17 March 09)

HR 45 May be More Troubling Than the Average Anti-gun Bill
Info Wars.com (15 Feb 09)

Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11
zero911movie.com (28 April 08)

Serf’s Up! Washington State to Steal Milk from Babies
NoNais Washington State (12 March 09)

Chavez Open to Russian Strategic Bombers Using Venezuelan Island
en.rian.ru (14 March 09)

Iranian President Declares His Country a Space and Nuclear Power
en.rian.ru (13 March 09)

Where The Jobs Are, Spring 2009
Forbes (10 March 09)

DHS Proposes U.S. Gun Laws to Fight Mexican Drug Cartel Violence
Prison Planet (12 March 09)

“Sorry” Is Not Enough, Madoff’s Victims Say
Truthout (13 March 09)

Mexican Drug Lord Makes Forbes’ Billionaire List
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