Obama Enacts Executive Action to Allow Some DREAMers to Serve in Military
Breitbart | 25 September 2014
On the day Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation…

The Sandy Hook Massacre: Continued Ambiguity and Augmented Realities
Memory Hole | 25 September 2014
A recent report notes that FBI crime statistics reflect no homicides…

Fast & Furious Exposes Mafia Run White House: Nightly News Report
YouTube | 06 October 2011
Could Fast and Furious be the scandal that brings down the Obama administration?

Ukraine Leader Sees Country Applying for EU Membership ‘in 6 Years Time’
Reuters | 25 September 2014
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko said he would present a broad plan of social and economic reforms on Thursday…

Japan Targets Russia’s Biggest Banks, Arms Exports in New Sanctions
RT | 24 September 2014
Japan has limited operations with five Russian banks including top lenders Sberbank and VTB…

Modi: Today’s Era Once Again Belongs to Asia
CNN | 20 September 2014
After your election people have begun asking again a question that has been asked many times for the last two decades…

The PetroYuan Cometh: China Docks Navy Destroyer In Iran’s Strait Of Hormuz Port
Zero Hedge | 21 September 2014
Since China fired its first ‘official’ shot across the Petrodollar bow a year ago…

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