Saudi Arabia’s Quiet Transition
AL Monitor | 05 June 2012
In the last year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has transitioned its top security posts…

NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily
The Guardian | 05 June 2012
Top secret court order requiring Verizon to hand over all call data shows scale of domestic surveillance under Obama…

Iowa City to Ban Red-Light Cameras, Drones, and License Plate Readers Too
ArsTechnica | 04 June 2012
On Tuesday evening, Iowa City is scheduled to hold the first reading…

Bill Gates Reaps the Rewards of 21st Century Success?
The Daily Bell | 31 May 2012
Bill Gates criticizes Zambian economist and she responds with fire…

Obama Authorizes New Iran Sanctions Targeting Currency
Bloomberg | 04 June 2012
President Barack Obama is targeting Iran’s currency for the first time under sanctions authorized yesterday…

Breaking: Bilderberg Releases 2013 Agenda
Infowars | 03 June 2012
In addition to the list of participants released today…

The Coverage Has Begun
Alex Jones Live at Bilderberg 2013…

Top House Republican: Holder Being Investigated for Hill Testimony
Fox News | 02 June 2012
The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said Sunday his panel is investigating…

The Decline of the Obama Presidency
The Wall Street Journal | 02 June 2012
John Dos Passos, the novelist and historian, once said: “Often things you think are just beginning are coming to an end.”

Freedom Advocates Video Section
Freedom Advocates
Recognize unalienable rights…

Living Under Drones
Stanford and NYU | September 2012
Death, injury, and trauma to civilians from US drone practices in Pakistan…

Judge: Google Must Give User Info to FBI
Missoulian | 01 June 2013
Google must comply with the FBI’s demand for data on certain customers…

Move Over, God, the Biotech Companies Are Here
Reader Supported News | 31 May 2013
Technologies are tools for doing or making things…

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