Stephanopoulos Pulls Out Of Debate After Clinton Donations Revealed
CNN Money | 14 May 2015
Chief anchor of ABC News…

Democrats Fold on Shady Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal
Alternet | 13 May 2015
Senate will vote on two of the trade…

Is There Trouble Ahead For Freedom Of Information?
BBC | 13 May 2015
Provision which gave the Cabinet the right to…

Vatican-Palestine Accord Supports ‘Two-State’ Solution
Catholic News | 13 May 2015
It’s recognition on a juridical level…

Greatest Threat to Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming to Fight it
Information Clearing House | 13 May 2015
Evades the question completely…

Democrats Yield In Senate Trade Deal
Politico | 13 May 2015
Linked with Trade Adjustment Assistance…

Democrats Hand Obama A Stinging Defeat On Trade Deal
Washington Post | 12 May 2015
Aligned with…Congress…and full lobbying might of Corporate America…

Senate Democrats Defeat The President: Why Obama Is Rushing To Fast-Track The TPP
ZeroHedge | 12 May 2015
Restricts them to a yes-or-no vote on…

Senate To Vote On Fast Track Tomorrow
Crooks and Liars | 11 May 2015
If we can win in the…

As Trans-Pacific Partnership Debate Rages, Broadcast Evening News Stays Silent
Media Matters | 11 May 2015
On May 12, the Senate plans to…

Will Austerity Be the Straw that Breaks the EU AND the UK?
The Automatic Earth | 310 May 2015
Aims to end austerity across…

Building The Machine – The Common Core Documentary
YouTube | 31 March 2014
Common Core validation committee…

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward
Huffington Post | 10 October 2014
Media that worked to undermine Webb’s investigation…

Freeway Crack In The System Trailer 2015

YouTube | 09 October 2014
Implicates the centers of power in our…

Castro: Pope Francis So Impressive I Might Return to Church

NY Times | 10 May 2015
So impressive I might return to…

Something Truly Amazing Happened Today
The Saker | 09 May 2015
In placing himself and all of Russia in God’s…

Motels Sharing “Daily Guest List with Police” and Aiding Warrant Checks on Every Guest
Agenda 21 News| 08 May 2015
Accep­tance of the guilty-until…

TN General Assembly: Senate Bill 1110 by Briggs: Firearms and Ammunition
Truth In Accounting | 07 May 2015
That regulates… firearms, ammunition, or…

The Killing of Osama bin Laden: Seymour M. Hersh
Truth In Accounting | 21 May 2015
Necessary quid pro quo – if you have someone like…

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