China Gives List to US of ‘Corrupt’ Officials it Would like Sent Back
The Guardian | 25 March 2015
Who have fled to America with…

We’ll Probably Kill Journalists Who Don’t Report the Truth, says Thai Leader
The Guardian | 25 March 2015
Write in a way that…

Open Letter to Alt. News Sites Everywhere: re Monsanto
Jon Rappoport | 25 March 2015
A few college groups start…

Poland Wants Permanent US Troop Presence Amid Fears over Growing Russian Military Threat
Ukraine Today | 24 March 2015
USD 42 billion overhaul…

US House Votes 348-48 To Arm Ukraine, Russia Warns Lethal Aid Will “Explode The Whole Situation”
ZeroHedge | 24 March 2015
Defend its territory from “the unprovoked and…

The Saker Interviews Paul Craig Roberts
The Saker | 24 March 2015
USA is not a democracy or a republic, but rather…

The Powerful, Enforced Silence Around Standardized Testing
Huffington Post | 18 March 2015
No equally free opinion allowed…

Trey Gowdy orders Hillary Clinton to turn over email server as Adam Schiff protests
Washington Times | 22 March 2015
Her final say on which…

Ukraine Oligarch ‘Top Cash Contributor’ to Clinton Foundation prior to Kiev Crisis
RT | 22 March 2015
Pledged a five-year, $…

Channel 4 Regrets Letting Ex-CIA Agent Claim Baghdad Massacre Would Have Been ‘Ideal’
Information Clearing House | 22 January 2015
No ma’am, I think we should…

‘Biggest Land Grab in the History of the World’
WND | 15 April 2014
Absolutely freeze economic…

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