America’s Descent into Third World Status: Tropical Diseases Rise Among Poor (Update)
Naked Capitalism | 12 December 2013
To the extent that middle class and more affluent people think about poverty in America…

China Rejects Fifth US Corn Cargo in a Month, Citing GMO Strain
RT | 12 December 2013
China has blocked a fifth cargo of US corn since mid-November after testing found a strain of genetically-modified (GMO) corn not yet approved for import…

Doctor, Nurse Vacancies Soar Amid Obamacare Rollout
Forbes | 08 December 2013
Doctor and nurse vacancies are approaching nearly 20 percent at hospitals as these facilities prepare…

Hospital Withdraws Guardianship of Amish Girl Who Will Continue Alternative Treatment Instead of Chemo
The Healthy Home Economist | 07 December 2013
For the past several months, this blog has been following the saga of Sarah Hershberger…

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