Spin #1: The problem has been unregulated markets.

Real Deal: The problem was a debt bubble engineered by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government with massive amounts of government guaranteed debt and credit and government intervention to manipulate the precious metals and financial markets that drained productive players across all sectors and facilitated a financial coup d’etat. This included the use of enforcement powers to protect and encourage the bubble and the financial coup. Examples: Stopping state attorney generals from taking appropriate action to enforce against predatory lending or holding parties accountable and destroying efforts to make placed based data on federal credit and finances accessible to communities.

Spin #2: The solution is more regulation and Federal Reserve and U.S. government control.

Real Deal: The solution to a bank robbery is not to give more power to the bank robber. Crime that pays is crime that stays. Let’s get the money back and run the bank robbers out of town. Let’s make financial information accessible to citizens so that they can see financial crime before it gets out of hand. Now, that’s real accountability.

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