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"An empire always thinks it can afford to make mistakes or incur additional costs. It thinks it is so powerful that this won't change anything. But those mistakes and costs keep piling up….
Our Music of the Week comes as a suggestion from a subscriber, and what a beautiful recommendation it is. We are hearing the young musicians of Academy Baroque Soloi…
The American tradition of Groundhog Day sees the nation’s most well-known groundhog take a stance on the season ahead. If he sees his shadow, he predicts six more weeks of winter. If he doesn 
By Solari Report Roving Correspondant
I feel used.
It’s not a great feeling to be used as a pawn. That’s what happened on the 6th of January, we were used as pawns whether you were a Tr…
Our music choice this week wants to put another spotlight on Tennessee singer-songwriter Jennifer Niceley, who we featured in January 2023. There is something quite …
The Value Club – November/December 2023