by D4CE

“Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a distinguished medical microbiologist, has informed the German and international public about the true nature of COVID-19 and the gene based-vaccines. During the past three years, he has written extensively on the subject and has been featured on several international news channels sharing his expertise. From a period between mid 2021 to early 2022, four individuals led complaints with the German authorities against Prof. Bhakdi for statements he made comparing the COVID-19 vaccination program to 1930s and 1940s Germany. The complainants allege that such statements are a criminal offense. Officials in Kiel, Germany, investigated the complaints made against Prof. Bhakdi. In November 2021, the Prosecutor’s Office in Kiel discontinued the case for lack of merit. Several weeks later, the case was reopened by The Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office of the province of Schleswig-Holstein.

See full story here.

How you can help Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi:

There has been an overwhelming amount of support for Prof. Bhakdi. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to help him!

 1. Pray for Sucharit. Encourage those in your prayer circles and/or community to do so as well.

 2. Spread the story and share the information about Sucharit’s case on social media, via email and in person, etc. In a case like this, transparency is very important. The more people who know about this case, the better.

 3. You can donate

Wise transfer:


 4. There are doctors, nurses and scientists everywhere who are at risk. Identify and support your local medical professional or scientist who is facing hardship in their pursuit of the truth. While you may not be able to physically be at the courthouse to support Sucharit, you can support your local medical professional. Each person we help, gives momentum to all.

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