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By Lisa Jucca
Switzerland has vowed to prevent UBS from handing over client information to U.S. authorities, in an attempt to defend bank secrecy, saying a tax case targeting its main bank is souri…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Follow the money and it keeps taking you back to the issues of who and what controls and uses our airspace.
Follow the money and you follow trillion of dollars harvested …
”As in Athens, state accounting in Rome was haphazard, and fraud was common. In his Philippics (44-43 BCE), Cicero complained of bad accounts in his attacks on Mark Antony, known for his debts and…
Finance is a Power Game
Gold Switzerland | 19 May 2014
On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management / GoldSwitzerland, Lars Schall talked with former senior Wall Street banker…
Are The London Gold Vaul…
National Gleaning Day!
Marin Organic
Gary Oppenheimer Connects American Gardeners Who Have Extra Produce to Local Food Pantries in Need (2 Sept 10)
Permaculture Forums
The O…