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Read the transcript of Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales here (PDF)

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The Solari Report 2014-05-22

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2014-05-22

Audio Chapters


Theme “To be a hero, you must first survive”

Money & Markets In Money and Markets, Catherine discusses the recent U.S. indictment of Chinese cyber-spys as wells as the recent gas deal between Russia and China. She also covers rising food costs and discusses several megatrends.

Hero and ‘Let’s Go to the Movies! This week’s hero and movie are Sir Earnest Shackleton and The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition. Sir Shackleton was a polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic

Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Question 1:

Hi Catherine:

Just listened to your discussion with Joseph Farrell. Thank you both for the high intelligence you bring to these subjects that must be brought into the light of day.

I am frankly confused by the following elements in our national/global story. Perhaps you can help make them a bit more coherent:

1. Is our country bankrupt? I keep coming across statements that the US has been bankrupt at least since FDR.

2. Is it true that all of our Federal taxes go to the City of London and to the Vatican?

3. Is the US a corporation or a constitutional republic?

4. It is established that for 100 years the American people unknowingly have surrendered the control of our currency (and thereby the value of our labor and creativity, as well as our peace of mind and dreams for the future) to the handful of families who own the Federal Reserve. This means we lost our sovereignty 100 years ago and have been harvested ever since. Why, then, do we discuss the market, etc. as if it were anything but a sham?

5. Is the US under a state of emergency? This, too, seems to have begun under FDR and never been ended by any administration since. If yes, then is it also true that our constitution is automatically suspended during a state of emergency?

6. It is accepted knowledge now that the ones who are responsible for the current state of humanity are determined to eliminate at least 2/3rds of the human population. Evidence of their plan is everywhere, from the chemtrails to GMO foods to floride, chlorine, mercury vaccines, the cancer industry, etc. 41 states have laws that prohibit any community within them from using any alternative to chemical pesticides. Thousands of new chemical substances are allowed to be used in products without any prior testing whatsoever for toxicity to humans. Breast cancer is increasing dramatically. In 1900, one in ten died of cancer. Today, it is almost 2 out of three.
Our political system is a wholly owned subsidiary of international banking/corporate power.
What alternatives do we have?

7. As $40 trillion have been stolen from us, the nation’s infrastructure and quality of life are deteriorating, our money is worthless, and our political/industrial/military/intelligence/financial complex is about to succeed in achieving its goal of “full spectrum dominance” while ruining the biosphere, dooming billions to starvation and manipulating the world’s citizens deeper into an abyss of debt slavery and despair,
I have to ask:

When will those who have the stature, intelligence and mental grasp of our plight come together to tell the people what is happening to them and what they can do about it?

Keep up the good work. We need you.

Question 2:

While we’re looking in the attic, (deep space), of the Secret Empire, don’t forget to check out the basement of the Secret Empire. Richard Sauder makes mention (at 7:59 into the video) of the $59 billion missing from HUD. You remember that hummm Catherine?

Question 3:

Hi Catherine,
Have you seen the new Johnny Depp movie, “Transcendence”?? It is a perfect fit for Mr. Kurzweil’s work (hope I spelled his name correctly). Mr. “Borg” himself. In an interview, televised on the science channel, Mr. Kurzweil said, “the technology to merge human and machine is here, the only reason it has not been implemented is because we can’t be sure who will be in charge – YET (paraphrasing)”.

To make a long story short, a possible mechanism for this merger is being administered/delivered in chemtrails. At least, that’s what Vincent Freeman is speculating. Vincent Freeman is a molecular biologist and artificial intelligence scientist who has worked on classified programs at some of the top-50 defense contractors. He has also conducted genetic and biological analysis for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

To my understanding, something called a (cross domain bacteria) is being used to facilitate Mr. Kurzweil’s work. This genetically engineered organism – in the nano spectrum range – can jump from plants to animals to humans, etc., etc., etc.. VERY APPROPRIATE. APPARENTLY, WE ARE ALL INFECTED BY IT ALREADY!!?

Would you mind interviewing Mr. Freeman and ask him to present his case? Most importantly, would you ask him if there is anything we can do at our level to combat this new organism??!!

Thank You.

Question 4:

Dear Catherine and Solari:

This is a solid article written by a medical doctor, telling us how schools get more money for every additional child who is diagnosed with ADHD:

ADHD Diagnosis is Worth Money to Schools

Here is a well-written article discussing some of the dire ramifications facing us from United Nations Agenda 21:

Question 5:

Dear Catherine:

Global warming and climate change are subjects that have constantly been beaten into us by our media in recent years. But whenever a scientist decides to question the science behind this, he or she usually cannot get onto television to talk about it. With this in mind, and having heard words like carbon exchange, carbon-based currency, and carbon unit allotments for all of us as individuals being proposed, how much do you think that Mr. Global is really someone who’s behind global warming and climate change?

Question 6:

Dear Catherine:

Quote From Dolan Interview:
“If you study the train tracks of totalitarianism and how they were built out using the drug business and the War on Drugs neighborhood by neighborhood, what you see in here when you go back and you study the people who were involved in doing it, is very fine and good, decent people
will say, ‘We had no choice. We had to have a secret source of funding.'”

Based on your what you said in the recent interview with Richard Dolan – does this mean that the Bush/Clinton Iran Contra/Drug Smuggling/Mena Arkansas stuff was all in our “best interest” and does that now make the Clinton’s and Bushes’ some of “those good people”?

Question 7:

Regarding the idea of financing derivatives backed by space technology and future space mining, are these said derivatives off the books? If so, wouldnt it also require that corresponding revenues and incomes and employment, etcetera, in the private space technology companies be hidden (the companies themselves for that matter). Maybe it is a net expense to this point, or are some of those revenues showing up in the stock price of these companies and is the circulation of dollars much greater than we know. Maybe it is not even dollars but a new space currency to replace the dollar or convertible to dollars in the future, (as Dr.J.P. Farrell would say high octane out on the limb speculation).
Please comment.

Question 8:

A question for Catherine,

I am struggling to get a sense of who are “these people.” What do you think of G Edward Griffins suggestion?

G Edward Griffin suggested a multi-generational project starting with John Ruskin, The Fabian Society, leading to Cecil Rhodes and Carroll Quiggley and finally the CFR whom he describes as a “semi-secret outer ring” of a very secret society.

Here is Edward Griffin’s paper: Secret Organizations and Hidden Agendas The Future Is Calling (Part Two)

Does this view seem correct?

I would love to know with whom we are dealing.

And I love reading your blogs and interviews.

Interview Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Laurence Gonzales, author of Deep Survival.


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“Trouble comes to us all.” ~ Laurence Gonzales

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on The Solari Report, I speak with Laurence Gonzales of, author of Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies and Why and Surviving Survival: the Art and Science of Resilience.

We pick up on our previous discussion with Laurence on his study of extreme wilderness experiences, Deep Survival, to explore his subsequent research for Surviving Survival about who is successful in overcoming disaster to achieve the “sweet revenge” of a long, happy life.

Laurence also describes his new book, Flight 232: A Story of Disaster and Survival, about the miraculous survival of 184 of 296 passengers on United Airlines Flight 232 in Sioux City  in 1989 – a triumph of heroism over tragedy and human ingenuity over technological breakdown,

In Money & Markets this week I will discuss current events in the news and financial worlds, as the global economy struggles with economic contraction in the developed economies and geopolitical tensions rise.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review my favorite documentary, The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition. Be prepared to be inspired by the remarkable courage and leadership of Shackleton and his crew as you accompany them on one of the most astonishing survival stories ever told.

We are a people capable of great generosity, courage and strength.  As Gonzales reminds us, “trouble comes to us all.” However, when it does, we can and do tap into that greatness in us all. This week’s Solari Report is designed to remind you that it is there in you.

Talk to you Thursday!

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