Catherine Fitts mentioned Cybersecurity etiquette during Money & Market comments on December 12, 2019

We agree, above all, our staff must to be impeccable.

1) No Windows Operating system: MacOS is highly recommended, or load a good Linux desktop distribution like Ubuntu Desktop or Mint on your existing PC hardware.If you’re using MacOS, make sure your firewall is enabled and you know how to configure it.
2) No Microsoft Office Products: Use Libre Office or OpenOffice instead
3) No Microsoft Outlook: Use Thunderbird or webmail with Protonmail or Startmail with your browser
4) No Android based phones, iPhones (iOS) only
5) Use ClamXAV Anti-Virus
6) No AT&T domains This includes the following domains:,,,,,,,,, and If you need an alternative, we recommend Proton Mail and Start Mail.
7) use Firefox and Safari as backup browsers
9) Do not visit questionable websites to avoid virus and trojans.
10) Do not use public WiFi.
11) Keep your computer and phone OS and applications up-to-date.

Please remember porn or gambling is often used for entrapment, including control files. The environment is increasingly risky – don’t give strangers digital access into your intimate space. Use Faraday bags for hhone and laptop – they make great Christmas presents and stocking stuffers – it is a way to keep your family members from sticking their surveillance devices under your nose. You can just put them in a nice looking faraday bag if they do.
– Catherine Fitts and the Solari Team

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