Crude Oil (OILNF) Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OILNF) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) Commodities Index (CRB) Baltic Dry Index
Crude Oil (OILNF) Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OILNF) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) Commodities Index (CRB) Baltic Dry Index
S&P 500 (SCHX) U.S. Small Caps (SCHA), U.S. Mid Caps (SCHM), U.S. Large Caps (SCHX) U.S. Aerospace & Defense (ITA) Consumer Discretionary (XLY) Consumer Staples […]
Table of Contents Fixed Income Commodities Equities
"So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on […]
[CAF Note: Please note that Yellowstone involves numerous violent scenes. ] “Lawyers are the swords of this century. Words are weapons now.” ~ John Dutton […]
* 2019 New Year Concert Vienna Philharmonic *
* Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2019 *
* Concert du Nouvel An de l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Vienne 2019 *
Good News – thanks to a …
Related reading:
Ella Fitzgerald on Wikipedia
Ella Fitzgerald Official Site
“Some horses you “ride” to victory. Others find victory on their own – you just have to hold still and go along for the ride.” […]
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”~ Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is the Solari Hero of the Year for 2019. On May 2, 2019, we celebrated the 500th…
[CAF Note: Please note that Yellowstone involves numerous violent scenes.]
Solari Report Movie of the Year for 2019–the riveting TV series Yellowstone, created and written by Taylor …
Leonardo da Vinci. Ca.1491. Study for the Sforza monument. Image source: Wikimedia Commons, public domain
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout
It was a classic moment of serendipity. Cat…
Leonardo da Vinci. Ca.1491. Study for the Sforza monument. Image source: Wikimedia Commons, public domain By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout It was a classic moment of serendipity. Catherine, Robert and I have been filming stories about da Vinci in Milan when we met at a book fair an Italian author, Marco Malvaldi, who…
Leonardo da Vinci – the Louvre Exhibit with Nina Heyn and Ulrike Granögger.
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout
To conclude our series on da Vinci – Solari’s “Hero of the Year” – we bring y…
Leonardo da Vinci – the Louvre Exhibit with Nina Heyn and Ulrike Granögger. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout To conclude our series on da Vinci – Solari’s “Hero of the Year” – we bring you a podcast. In late 2019 the Louvre opened a historic exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci. Catherine, Ulrike Granögger…
Note from CAF:
I wanted to post the charts linked below for my discussion with Dr. Farrell on the Unanswered Questions in the 2019 Annual Wrap Up.
One of our Australian subscribers has been tr…
"Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something while you live and it is in your power." ~ Marcus Aurelius
By C…
Living the Dream is a performing arts company run by young people for young people. On New Year’s Eve over 100 of Living the Dream’s young dancers amazed commuters with a Flash Mob performance!
Catherine Fitts mentioned Cybersecurity etiquette during Money & Market comments on December 12, 2019
We agree, above all, our staff must to be impeccable.
1) No Windows Operating system: …
"An empire always thinks it can afford to make mistakes or incur additional costs. It thinks it is so powerful that this won't change anything. But those mistakes and costs keep piling up….
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout
For holidays, we bring our 12 Christmas Movie Gifts – as diverse as a partridge in a pear tree and maids a milking would be. The only criteria for a recommendatio…
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout For holidays, we bring our 12 Christmas Movie Gifts – as diverse as a partridge in a pear tree and maids a milking would be. The only criteria for a recommendation were that movies had to be entertaining (a value much neglected in a majority of films) and a…
"Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes,
Wherein our Savior's birth is celebrated,
The bird of dawning singeth all night long;
And then, they say, no spirit
dare stir…
Voctave performs their a cappella version of Mary, Did You Know featuring original songwriter Mark Lowry.
Related reading:
Mark Lowry on Wikipedia
Voctave Web Page
"Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and brea…
The Renewing of Our Minds
Markets go “risk off” on assassination of Iranian General
New News Trends & Stories format
FDA Approves Ebola Vaccine & Illinois Nur…
Related reading:
Vienna Boys’ Choir on Wikipedia
Vienna Boys’ Choir Web Page
Sleigh Ride on Wikipedia
“Lawyer: Ready to go to war?”
Gretchen Carlson: Oh, yeah”
– lines from the movie Bombshell
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout
Charlize Theron is not only a film star (Oscar for her portrayal of…
“Lawyer: Ready to go to war?” Gretchen Carlson: Oh, yeah” – lines from the movie Bombshell By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Charlize Theron is not only a film star (Oscar for her portrayal of a serial killer in The Monster, accolades for her role as Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road) – she…
The digital magazine PDF of the 1st Quarter 2019 Wrap Up – Will ESG Turn the Red Button Green? is now available to Solari Report Subscribers!
Wellness Series: Breathwork – An Easy Way to Improve Well-Being and Health with Skye Birdsall and Dr. Robert Rowen – November 30, 2019 Skye Birdsall […]
Chronology 600 BC King Alyattes of Lydia (in modern-day Turkey) mints the first official currency. 474 BC In 2018, Italian authorities find Roman-era gold coins in Como dated from this time. 210 BC The first […]
Articles: “The End of Fiat Money,” Jim Reid, Deutsche Bank Research – Imagine 2030, Page 10 Important Dates in US Monetary History David Liechty Solari Special Report: Issues and Framework of United States […]
John Christensen – Interview from The Spider's Web Documentary
John Christensen is the co-founder of the Tax Justice Network. His investigations into the role of tax havens in the globalized ec…
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire is a 78-minute feature documentary about how Britain transformed from a colonial power to a global financial power. At the demise of empire, City of London …
"Everyone should be aware that inflation may rise in the future—and that it may do so unexpectedly strongly. But the long-term picture is that we are living in a disinflation…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Deep State Tactics 101 – FASAB 56, Operation Gladio, the Phoenix Program and Cointelpro and the Shredding of the Treaty of Westphalia and what it all means to…
“I’ll Be Home For Christmas” was written in 1943 by composers Walter Kent, Buck Ram, and lyricist Kim Gannon. The song was originally written to honor soldiers overseas who longed to be home at Ch…
Coast to Coast.
Barbara Kinsey Willits Fitts and Dr. William Thomas Fitts, Jr.
(then Captain, US Army Medical Corp, circa 1941-2.)
~Originally Published August 2004~
Honor thy Father and thy Mother
— The Fourth C…
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci is our Solari Hero of the Year […]
MOVIE RECOMMENDATIONS SPECTRE (2015) On a trail of a criminal syndicate called SPECTRE, James Bond discovers the source of his recent misfortunes. This edition of […]
Stained glass in Sainte Eustache Church in Paris, France, depicting a nativity scene at Christmas (Sainte Eustache Church on Wikipedia) “Mary, did you knowThat your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?Mary, did you knowThat your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?Did you knowThat your Baby Boy has come to make you…
RESUME Mihaly Istvan Karpati Stollenrain 24 ǀ Arlesheim ǀ CH 4144 +41 79 850 8729 ǀ My name is Mihály Kárpáti. I am 18 now, and I am determined to get to Australia. I was drawn to it when I was 14. I cannot define what exactly triggered this determination at the age when…
In this video, yoga teacher and nutrition coach Skye Birdsall takes us through five breathing techniques and their benefits: rest and digest; center; release CO2, toxins, and stuck emotions; relea…
Gregg L. Semenza telephone conversation with Adam Smith was recorded just after he had received news of his Nobel Prize and his surprise at the news is evident. “Even after people have been telling …
“Ransom Drysdale: What is this? CSI: KFC?”
A line from Knives Out!
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout
Our streaming devices are groaning under the weight of choices – movies, seasons of shows, m…
“Ransom Drysdale: What is this? CSI: KFC?” A line from Knives Out! By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Our streaming devices are groaning under the weight of choices – movies, seasons of shows, mini-series, documentaries and so on. So many movies, so little time. This is one of the reasons many good dramas or even…
An excerpt:
“In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state…. Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease…. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in t…
“The World Is Turned Upside Down” performed by Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band on the album “Hang Up Sorrow and Care” (Park Records, 1995, posted with permission).
In the 17th century, Cr…
Putin Predicting US Dollar Collapse is Serious Warning
Listen to the interviw at
Corbett Report | 26 November 2019
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The Present Age
Melissa and Aaron Dykes’ latest offering does a marvelous job of documenting the lavish expenditures of the uber-wealthy on funding extreme protests and street theater designed to fake a “grass…
Putin’s comment on the dollar:
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I am working on The State of Our Currencies – given Putin’s recent comments,…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Preparing for the New Year: Taxes, Regulatory Compliance, Inflation, Infrastructure Woes
The State of the Dollar
Aramco IPO
FT: US distress…
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Grote of Sint-Stephanuskerk (Hasselt) on Wikipedia
Gert van Hoef Bio
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Journey to Chartres – At the Cathedral
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I. Home Table of Contents Introduction Donations II. Deep State Tactics 101 Deep State Tactics 101 – Movies and Documentaries III. News Trends & Stories […]
Native Acres Meat Co.
Native Acres | 19 November 2019
On The Anatomy of Thrift Series
The Family Pig | 19 November 2019
Local Food Sources
Cornucopia Network | 15 October 2019
Keyline D…
COLD PURSUIT, an action thriller infused with irreverent humor, stars Liam Neeson as Nels Coxman, a family man whose quiet life with his wife (Laura Dern) is upended following the mysterious d…
Sofonisba Anguissola. Self-Portrait at the Easel. 1556-57. Muzeum-Zamek. Łańcut, Poland. Photo credit: Courtesy of the © Prado National Museum, Madrid, Spain.
“Her paintings were celebrate…
Sofonisba Anguissola. Self-Portrait at the Easel, 1556-57. Oil on canvas. Muzeum-Zamek. Łańcut, Poland. Photo credit: Courtesy of the © Prado National Museum, Madrid, Spain. “Her paintings were celebrated for their calm and gentle style, and for the particularity that she was a woman, and had risen above the usual course of those of her sex,…
“The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head …
~ Money & Markets audio will publish late November 21st with final audio and chapters published on the 22nd ~
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Thanksgiving & the Future of the US D…
Related reading:
Mandy Harvey on Wikipedia
Mandy Harvey Webpage
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need”.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
By Nina Heyn, Your Culture Scout
A typical museum of fine art is a depository of paintings,…
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need”. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) By Nina Heyn, Your Culture Scout A typical museum of fine art is a depository of paintings, drawings and sculptures, sometimes objects of historical value, writings or artifacts (think the MET or the Tate). They fulfill the…
Februay 24, 2020
Februay 17, 2020
November 18, 2019
Dr. Skidmore’s daughter was so amazed when her dad explained how much money was missing from the federal government and the adoption of…
Christine Lagarde: "Central Bank digital currency is coming alive" Yahoo Finance | 04 April 2019 Dr. Mark Skidmore: Deep state cover-up of missing $21 trillion […]
"In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it." […]
“If you’re yelling you’re the one who’s lost control of the conversation.” ~Taylor Swift [Originally published on September 11, 2018] by Catherine Austin Fitts For […]
This represents a very large video file. If you have difficulty viewing it, and if you are an Amazon Prime member, you are encouraged to watch it here:…
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Church Partners with Non-Profit to Pay Off $2 Million in Community’s Medical Debts
Documentary about scores of people in the Philippines who watch and delete offensive and violent postings to social media.
When you post something on the web, can you be sure it stays ther…
CULTURE I. A Commitment to a Human Culture A. Food for the Soul B. A Commitment to Transparency II. Mind Control and Sovereignty III. Morphogenic […]
Every day, we post links to stories in our News Trends & Stories section. Analyzing this flow provides intelligence about the deeper news. Here are […]
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Read the transcript of Sneaky Treaties: Globalists …
By Catherine Austin Fitts
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Gunlach Lowers Recession Odds
Fires in Australia
Rising tides in Venice
Mexican Mormon Wars
Joshua 1:1 as recorded in the Aleppo Codex
From Wikimedia Commons
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The Lamentations of Jeremiah
Book of Lamentations on Wikipedia
Full Collection and single tracks
A good painter has two things to represent: the man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard.” — Leonardo da Vinci
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout
It is amazing that…
A good painter has two things to represent: the man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard.” — Leonardo da Vinci By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is amazing that 500 years on, we still see news stories about da Vinci in daily press. There was one recently…
The New Silk Road from Germany's public broadcasting company Deutsche Welle. Many of the ongoing geopolitical changes result from a rising Asian economy and the creation of a land empire from…
Catherine Fitts and Jon Rappoport discuss getting unstuck and creating.
Fitts: What I discovered was that, certainly in America, the average American really feels incredibly constricted regardi…
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Hallmark’s American-Humane Hero Dog Award 2019 Winner
"I say that [Trump] is the best American President, not because his policies are good, but because he is the most transparent president… Trump talks transparently, sayi…
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Bruce Springsteen’s new album ‘Western Stars’
Bruce Springsteen on Wikipedia
Bruce Springsteen Webpage
"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." ~ […]
Tina Turner: 80th birthday montage (2019) TINA Turner Blog | 25 November 2019 Special Solari Report: The Burning of Notre Dame with Dr. Joseph Farrell […]
"The best thing for being sad is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in […]
“Giving back to the communities and institutions that helped us achieve success is a value we share and a privilege we embrace.” ~ Dinesh Paliwal […]
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Halloween on Wikipedia
Jon Rappoport has worked as a freelance investigative reporter for over 30 years, lecturing extensively all over the U.S. on the question: Who runs the world and what can we do about it? Over the …
Leonardo da Vinci is the Solari Hero of the Year for 2019. On May 2, 2019, we celebrate the 500th anniversary of his passing.
Related Reading:
Leonardo da Vinci: Books and Exhibitions
“If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we’ve flattered reality enough. It doesn’t need any more. Reality needs a massive injection of imagination.” ~ Jon Rappoport
By …
To help you live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community. health and well-being.
Nothing on The Solari Report should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor or advisors and provide as much information as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy.