Rethinking Diversification

Rethinking Diversification

[Originally published on Feb 2, 2009]

For our entire lives, most of us have depended on highly centralized systems. Our food comes from a thousand or more miles away. Our savings is shi…

How to Find a Local Bank

How to Find a Local Bank

“Many small businesses rely on small financial institutions, like credit unions and community banks, to meet their capital requirements. Without them, these small businesses would have to close their…

Food for the Soul: Coin Art
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Food for the Soul: Coin Art

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Even though practically every major ruler in world history has issued some coinage, just a handful of currencies have gone on to become international standards—used for a long time and widely traded. These include the drachmas of ancient Greece, the Roman Empire’s denari, and a coin called the…

Food for the Soul: Hilma af Klint, the first abstractionist. Women Artists Series 5
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Food for the Soul: Hilma af Klint, the first abstractionist. Women Artists Series 5

Hilma af Klint. Self-Portrait, date of painting unknown. Oil on canvas. Hilma af Klint Foundation. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The fact that painter Hilma af Klint has been unknown in the history of modern art is not that surprising. That even now she remains unknown is a bit more…

Was it a Rally,  Reality TV,  Riot Rally TV…?

Was it a Rally, Reality TV, Riot Rally TV…?

By Solari Report Roving Correspondant

I feel used.

It’s not a great feeling to be used as a pawn. That’s what happened on the 6th of January, we were used as pawns whether you were a Tr…

Prelude to a Revolution…. and so it begins.

Prelude to a Revolution…. and so it begins.

Jan. 5th, 2021

On the eve of the infamous Trump rally in Washington DC, many in the mainstream media call it Trump’s last-ditch Hail Mary to “steal” the certified election results from …

Financial Markets

Financial Markets

"The recent fall in cash and bond yields for those developed countries that still had positive yields has left government bonds in a position where […]

Food for the Soul- Women at Work, Part V – Princesses and Servants
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Food for the Soul- Women at Work, Part V – Princesses and Servants

Book of the City of Ladies. Christine de Pizan (c. 1405). Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout We do not know who illustrated the Book of the City of Ladies, but we know the author: Christine de Pizan (or de Pisan). This miniature portrays her as…

Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil
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Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil

Jewish Woman with Oranges. Alexander Gierymski (1881). National Museum Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is nothing attractive about toil—this mind-numbing effort of farming or doing some menial, repetitive tasks—to the person who is doing it. It can however, be appealing to artists as a subject, especially if such…