Nina’s Euro Blog 2023: Chasing Art in Paris
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Nina’s Euro Blog 2023: Chasing Art in Paris

Paris is not very user-friendly this spring because ongoing strikes are affecting daily life to a great degree. I was planning to see Vermeer’s The Astronomer—a painting that was not included in the loan exhibition at the Rijksmuseum—which is often described as a “companion” to The Geographer, featuring the same model and a similar scientific…


Part 1 – How Did We Get Here? Catherine and CJ lay the groundwork for understanding “how we got here.” Is The Going Direct Reset disguised as a “pandemic” a totalitarian coup that has gripped the planet for the past two and a half years?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

“Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother..” ~ Unknown

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds,…

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

By Catherine Austin Fitts My “go to” website for technical analysis of precious metals, the US dollar & the US stock market is Rambus Chartology, where Rambus (that’s his handle – he’s the founding technical analyst) leads a discussion with extensive charts of what the markets are saying. In January 2016, Rambus launched his quarterly Solari…

Dr. Bhakdi’s Legal Case

Dr. Bhakdi’s Legal Case

by D4CE

“Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a distinguished medical microbiologist, has informed the German and international public about the true nature of COVID-19 and the gene based-vacci…

The Great Freeset

The Great Freeset

by Childrens’ Health Defense

The World Health Organization (WHO) is ushering in an unprecedented global takeover of public health under the guise of “pandemic preparedness.”

The WHO …

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

By Wikipedia

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5. The date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, un…


Part 2 – The Financial Coup We dive into the history of the multi-decade long financial coup and confront ourselves with lots of important questions:What does it mean for us when 21 trillion US dollars disappear? Why do we urgently need to care about what is happening?


Part 3 – The Propaganda A lucid analysis of the propaganda tactics so successfully applied during the pandemic and beyond. We dive into the world of propaganda and ask some important questions:How was it possible to establish the “new reality”? How could such a majority of the population be deceived? Or was it not deceit but coercion?

We Need To Talk About Mr Global

We Need To Talk About Mr Global

In this four-part series of tête-à-têtes between financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts and political satirist and author C.J. Hopkins, we are taken on a deep dive into the history of the financial coup that has been going on for several decades. We are learning more about the background and…

Crowning the King of Wall Street

Crowning the King of Wall Street

by: Whitney Webb

In addition to intimate associates of Leslie Wexner, JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon’s ascent to the highest tier of Wall Street power also depended heavily on the Crown family – who…


Part 4 – The Future Where is Mr Global taking us, why is Mr Global so scared of us, where is this going? In this final part Catherine Austin Fitts and C.J. Hopkins discuss the end game from Mr Global, complete control. Through the digital control grid, a sovereign human being is transformed into a natural resource. It’s more than totalitarianism, Mr Global represents a group of people who view themselves a different species. Will humanity stop participating creating the train tracks that will enslave us? It’s still a choice we have and the situation is far from hopeless.

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

[CAF Note: Bravo! One of our subscribers has been digging into the money missing from the US government. This is exactly the kind of citizen research we need to make progress on enforcing the Constitution.  Here are some quotes he assembled for us. Thank You!] By a Solari Report Subscriber A few extra links to…

Food for the Soul: Letters to Read and Write

Food for the Soul: Letters to Read and Write

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout To continue with the idea of celebrating a ”Year of Vermeer” at Food for the Soul, let’s start with this master when searching for letters in art history. Images of women with letters appear throughout the body of Vermeer’s work. He searched for ways of showing people’s thoughts, so…

The Universal

The Universal

by: Paul Kingsnorth

The Internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

This is an extreme statement, but I’m in an extreme mood.

If I had the energy, I suppose I c…