Going Direct: The Global Reset:
- Refresh: Going Direct Time Line
- Update with John Titus
- BIS announces Strategic Partnership with Fed (New York) and Innovation Hubs with Bank of Canada (Toronto), Bank of England (London), ECB (Frankfurt & Paris) and Danmarks Nationalbank, Central Bank of Iceland, Central Bank of Norway abd Sveriges Riksbank (Stockholm). Already has hubs with Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Hong Kong), Monetary Authority of Singapore (Singapore) and Swiss National Bank (Switzerland). The BIS innovation hubs
- The Seven “Musts” of a Global Currency System
- Fed Buys 100 Bonds
- Skidmore Report – an Update
- Powell tells House Financial regarding plans with Mnuchin for Department of Reconciliation – but nothing on $65,000 per person missing
- Solari mapping of Minneapolis Looting: Click Here
- Wall Street on Parade: Citibank 2700 basis point arbitrage
The BIS Innovation Hub was established in 2019 to identify and develop in-depth insights into critical trends in financial technology of relevance to central banks, to explore the development of public goods to enhance the functioning of the global financial system, and to serve as a focal point for a network of central bank experts on innovation. Among the projects currently under way are explorations into the development of regulatory and supervisory technological practices, the global payment stack, tokenisation, digitalisation of the trade process and monitoring of fast-paced markets. The BIS’s Annual Economic Report 2020 contains a special chapter on central banks and payments in the digital era.
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