
By Catherine Austin Fitts

“Betting against gold is the same as betting on governments. He who bets on governments and government money bets against 6,000 years of recorded human history.”

~ Gary North

This week, we publish Franklin Sanders’ new collection on expanding gold and silver usage, and Franklin joins me to discuss gold and silver as a means of upholding individual and family sovereignty.

The launch of the Going Direct Reset set into motion what Franklin describes as a “monstrous and unendurable inflation”—never before seen in U.S. history. These and other events make it clear that we must break our addiction to federal spending and credit. In most U.S. states, 50% or more of the people take their living from federal government—either directly from the federal government or from federally subsidized state and local government spending. What happens if, as seems possible, the federal government reneges on its promises to the people or inflates them away?

The good news is that in the U.S. and other parts of the world, gold and silver usage (as well as use of cash and coin) are increasing and can help contribute to the infrastructure and conditions necessary for maintaining state and individual sovereignty. In many areas, there is no need to wait for the passage of new laws or the setting up of a new bureaucracy. For example, U.S. law already favors gold and silver. In the United States, it is perfectly legal to contract among ourselves to use gold and silver in our daily transactions with each other—the area of our lives where we have the most control and initiative.

That said, it is of the utmost importance that we insist that our state and local legislatures take steps to protect state and pension fund assets and support a stronger local financial infrastructure. Franklin’s presentation includes steps you can ask your state legislatures to take to improve the daily use of gold and silver.

In an age of digital assets—and with the threat of a sovereignty-destroying central bank digital currency (CBDC) control grid on the horizon—Franklin also reminds us that gold and silver have the virtues of being analog financial assets as well as the assets with no counterparty risk.

Please check out Franklin’s full written discussion on the 2nd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up web presentation when it publishes next Thursday. Here is an overview outline:

I. Introduction

II. Beats Me! What Is a Dollar?

III. Terms and Presuppositions

IV. Why Silver?

V. Interview with Stefan Gleason, Sound Money Defense League, on Abolishing Sales Tax on Gold and Silver

VI. How to Barter with Gold and Silver Coins

VII. Where’s a Depository You Can Trust?

VIII. How Not to Lose Money on Silver and Gold

IX. Sovereign vs. Global: A Shopping List for Your State Legislators

X. Gold and Silver Clause Contracts: An Escape Route

We will also publish a new survey of trends in European taxation and regulation of gold and silver by French attorney Karine Solon. While many U.S. states are lowering the barriers to daily usage of gold and silver, the European Union remains a high-friction market.

It is never too hard or too late to build the future we want for ourselves and our families. With the goal of sovereignty foremost in all of our minds, join us for this discussion, both practical and inspiring, of how you can use gold and silver money in your daily life.

This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets or Ask Catherine. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary for the following week here.

Talk to you Thursday!

Related Solari Reports:

The Silver and Gold Payment Calculator with Franklin Sanders

Silver & Gold Payment Calculator

Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders

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