**Note: We are republishing each of the 22 challenges from Catherine’s fiscal cliff article – one a week. Helps to digest them bit by bit!**

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The political process has devolved into a competition between people who are above the law and have the ability to kill with impunity, and those who respect the rule of law and the sanctity of life. Money is being allocated based on brute force as opposed to competition between constituencies who respect and subscribe to the rule of law and ethical behavior.

Because it is difficult for many people to understand the extent to which politics has become legally, financially, physically invasive, and violent in the United States, I have made an effort to expose this problem on the Solari Report – both on our weekly interviews and on our blog.

Here is one excerpt from the Solari Report blog:

How do We Enforce the Rule of Law? If I can listen to your board meetings with Echelon, hack your bank and government accounts with PROMIS type software, trigger an earthquake in your town with my electromagnetic weapons, zap you or your family from my surveillance satellite and arrange sex slave benefits and big bucks for you if you do what I want (all without having to assume criminal and civil liability as a practical matter), then the structural governance of assets by trusts matters not a bit — the trustees of whatever it is will do whatever I want them to do. So we need to step back and determine how can the rule of law be enforced given the current state of advanced, invisible weaponry and surveillance technology. Indeed there are ways, but they are not obvious until we start dealing with the practical aspects of economic and political warfare as they are currently practiced.

Catherine Austin Fitts, Financial Ecosystems, Capitalism 3.0

I highly recommend reading my blog post on control files and the related interview on the Solari Report with Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayals, with touches on the use of pedophilia to create control files on politicians. Remember J. Edgar Hoover’s “dirty pictures?”

I also recommend my article “The Databeast” and interviews we have done with Katherine Albrecht on protecting your privacy and public and private efforts to compromise.

Best of all, we did an excellent interview with Adam Trombley on “Entrainment Technology, Subliminal Programming and Financial Manipulation.” Here is an excerpt:

Catherine: One of the questions we got is: “Praying that you can give us real examples of what the techniques are so we can recognize them. Is it public knowledge that casino pump out oxygen to increase gambling?” I didn’t know that. Have you ever heard that?

Adam: Oh yes. There are all kinds of things casinos do. I have a friend who’s an expert in it, but I’m not. There’s definitely a constant broadcast going on. You can go in with a high resolution digital recorder, take it someplace where somebody knows how to see a signal and just look for repeating wave forms and look for them in the alpha range, look for them in the stimulation pleasure areas of the brain. People who are scientists or engineers who are listening to this who want somebody to check what I’m saying and what you’re saying about this, hook up your instrumentation to the cable of your television, hook up your instrumentation to the harness of your house, and see for yourself what’s happening in terms of entrainment. This is not rocket science but it’s very sophisticated.

Catherine: Let me move on to another kind of financial fraud issue. One of the things I’ve noticed is that certain internet radio shows focused on investment — particularly precious metals — are using this kind of technology through the internet to push, for example, gold going to the moon, gold going to $12,500. They have all these wild scenarios but their sites are always juicy and you feel a lot of resonation that you don’t in a lot of the other sites. Is my intuition legitimate?

Adam: Yes, it is. If you go to a website with music playing turn off the sound, is my recommendation. With a website where there is music playing there is no entrainment being used, but you can turn off the sound. The fact is that yes, it can be done over the internet; it can be done over your computer, just as easily as anything else. It’s something that you inter-modulate with the signal. It’s not your imagination. They can make people feel like that. That gold will be some ridiculous price, that is even beyond what it’s really worth. The fact is that they can convince you that something that you know is bad for you is actually good for you. This happens all the time. Gold may go up to $12,000 and it may not. In the same way these people can do this pump and dump, which you illuminated us when you sat down with [us] all those years ago, and informed us of what was really happening in the marketplace in ways we had no idea about. People are stimulated to buy something, buy, buy, buy. And they literally know that a signal that they squeak through a certain window of frequencies can create a pleasure sensation in your body, as we talked about over and over again tonight. And it’s pleasurable. Right now it’s gold, so let’s pump gold up and then they have the other signal that says sell, and all of a sudden there’s anxiety. So they get people to sell, to buy; it’s like puppets on a string….

Catherine: One other pattern that really makes me nervous, because I’ve experienced it, is the use in conjunction with the telephone to market either an investment or a person who then persuades you to go along with that investment. You’re falling prey to the technology and not to the investment that’s attractive. How do they do it over the phone? I don’t understand how that works.

Adam: Same thing. It’s always a simple process of frequency entrainment. One of the first places I saw it in my own life, entrainment being used over the phone, when I was CEO and President of a computer company in the early 80s and I started noticing a weird thing happening when I was on the phone, and I had some friends come over from UC Berkeley and they brought their instrumentation and they tested my phone line and said, “Holy mackerel there’s these entrainment carriers on your phone line.” So it just came across the same way; sub-audio, sub-conscious, and dictating my state of mind. There were people who wanted me to be compliant with certain programs they had in their agenda, and I turned out to be a bad candidate, like your listener who doesn’t get hypnotized easily. We don’t have to be hypnotized. Let’s be really clear about that.

Catherine: I think the key with investments is to always sleep on it and do the math. Math is a wonderful tool, do the numbers. I constantly say to my clients, you can’t be too careful about the quality of the people you do business with and you really want to be very careful over a multi- year period and do business with people you trust. Or the people you know, know and trust. Between math and careful networking you can protect yourself from a lot of it. I think that step number one is, knowing that it exists and knowing that you really need to do your homework and have intellectual mastery of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Intuition is wonderful but you have to sleep on it with this kind of technology around.

Adam: Thank God that you’re telling the truth about this, I really want to say this to you and all your listeners, I really am grateful that you are speaking the truth about what’s actually happening. I’ve seen the impact on people who cheer you when you say the way that this is organized, it’s really organized crime. The people in the United States have just had more than 15 trillion dollars stolen from us just by a slight of hand, by both Republican and Democratic Administrations. I think it’s extremely important and thank God for you because you’re the only person I know who’s really telling the truth about this. And I thank you for that.

Catherine: I appreciate it but I’m still trying to find the truth!

Adam: That’s the beautiful thing about it. Anybody who’s got any wisdom at all knows that the first thing you’ve got to do in the morning is say, “I don’t know exactly what’s going on?” Everyday Plato said the first step on the Corporate Taxes 2002Adam:path of wisdom is the confession of ignorance. And every morning I wake up and I remind myself that I don’t know everything. There’s so much I don’t know it’s embarrassing.

Catherine: I just can’t get over the fact that we live on this planet struggling as we do, and we know 3% of what there is to know and understand about how our planet works.

Catherine Austin Fitts and Adam Trombly, “Entrainment Technology, Subliminal Programming and Financial Manipulation,” on The Solari Report.

Arguably, the most significant problem that Congress now faces in reengineering the budget is that there are significant number of people who are beneficiaries of those who have control files on most politicians and are prepared to use dirty tricks and violence to get their way. What this means is that the only people who can be taxed or cut are the lawful – the people who don’t play dirty.

Now is the push for gun control making more sense?

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