Quote du Jour – Hafiz
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.” Look at what happens with a love like that – it lights the entire sky.”
– Hafiz
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.” Look at what happens with a love like that – it lights the entire sky.”
– Hafiz
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
– Buddha
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
– Buddha
“A mathematician friend once told me that if all of the dimensions in the universe suddenly and simultaneously increased by a factor of 2, we would never know the difference – we would never know th…
“A mathematician friend once told me that if all of the dimensions in the universe suddenly and simultaneously increased by a factor of 2, we would never know the difference – we would never know t…
“My goal in life is to become the person my dog thinks I am.”
– Suzanne Sommers
“My goal in life is to become the person my dog thinks I am”
-Suzanne Sommers
“Following my words last night about how long your yankee government has been spying on you, my dear wife Susan reminded me of an event during our 1991 federal trial for willful failure to file inco…
“Following my words last night about how long your yankee government has been spying on you, my dear wife Susan reminded me of an event during our 1991 federal trial for willful failure to file inco…
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
– Mark Twain
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
– Mark Twain
“We have shifted away from a world where central banks control inflation, to
one where they must create it.”
-Michael A. Gayed
“We have shifted away from a world where central banks control inflation, to one where they must create it.”
– Michael A. Gayed
Note: Originally posted on Nov 3, 2008
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?…
Note: Originally posted on Nov 3, 2008
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?…
“We all live in the South Bronx because that neighborhood is the unavoidable proof that American civilization can stop. It can stop literally right around the corner, and if it does nobody can do a …
“We all live in the South Bronx because that neighborhood is the unavoidable proof that American civilization can stop. It can stop literally right around the corner, and if it does nobody can do a …
“They say that you need to follow the money to see what is going on and to a large extent that is true; but I have another method: follow the outcome. No matter what people say they stand for, no ma…
“They say that you need to follow the money to see what is going on and to a large extent that is true; but I have another method: follow the outcome. No matter what people say they stand for, no ma…
“The endurance of the enemy”
-National Security Advisor Bundy upon being asked what most surprised him about the Vietnam War
“The endurance of the enemy.”
– National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy upon being asked what most surprised him about the Vietnam War
“We are continually faced with great opportunities which are brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.”
– Margaret Mead
“We are continually faced with great opportunities which are brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.”
– Margaret Mead
“We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.”
– Roger Ebert
“We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.”
– Roger Ebert
“When someone is counting out gold for you, don’t look at your hands, or the gold. Look at the giver.”
– Rumi, The Masnavi: Book Two
“When someone is counting out gold for you, don’t look at your hands, or the gold. Look at the giver.”
– Rumi, The Masnavi: Book Two
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Rumi
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Rumi
Insider: “You know what they’re hiding at Area 51?”
Richard Dolan: “What”
Insider: “Trillions and trillions of dollars.”
Insider: “You know what they’re hiding at Area 51?”
Richard Dolan: “What?”
Insider: “Trillions and trillions of dollars.”
“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean.
It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands.
It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”
“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”
– …
“This gold bull market has never been about Fudd buying your junior gold stocks at much higher prices. Fudd isn’t going to financially exist, when we arrive at the gold prices you want. This bull has …
“This gold bull market has never been about Fudd buying your junior gold stocks at much higher prices. Fudd isn’t going to financially exist, when we arrive at the gold prices you want. This bull has …
“Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk chee…
“Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk chee…
“Maxine Waters of California alerted the entire country with a devastating result of sequestration. She warned that 170 MILLION jobs could be lost to sequestration.
This is terrifying, especially whe…
“Maxine Waters of California alerted the entire country with a devastating result of sequestration. She warned that 170 MILLION jobs could be lost to sequestration.
This is terrifying, especially whe…
“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
– Buddhist Saying
“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
-Buddhist Saying
Brainy Quote
Brainy Quote
“A speaker is but a prater; a rhyme is but a ballad. A
good leg will fall; a straight back will stoop; a
black beard will turn white; a curled pate will grow
bald; a fair face will wither;…
“A speaker is but a prater; a rhyme is but a ballad. A
good leg will fall; a straight back will stoop; a
black beard will turn white; a curled pate will grow
bald; a fair face will wither;…
“If leadership has a secret sauce, it may well be humility. A humble boss understands that there are things he doesn’t know. He listens: not only to the other bigwigs in Davos, but also to the kind of…
“If leadership has a secret sauce, it may well be humility. A humble boss understands that there are things he doesn’t know. He listens: not only to the other bigwigs in Davos, but also to the kind of…
Whoever controls space, therefore, will control the world’s oceans. Whoever controls the oceans will control the patterns of global commerce. Whoever controls the patterns of global commerce will be…
“Whoever controls space, therefore, will control the world’s oceans. Whoever controls the oceans will control the patterns of global commerce. Whoever controls the patterns of global commerce will be …
“To try and shoehorn countries into a centralized political union would be a great mistake for Europe, and Britain wouldn’t be part of it”
– David Cameron
Related Reading:
David Cameron on Wikipedia…
“To try and shoehorn countries into a centralized political union would be a great mistake for Europe, and Britain wouldn’t be part of it.”
– David Cameron
Related Reading:
David Cameron on Wikipedi…
Once a person gets despair out of the way, few things can slow her progress. Despair is the dividing line between those who can take impossibility in stride and those who wilt at the first sign of opp…
Once a person gets despair out of the way, few things can slow her progress. Despair is the dividing line between those who can take impossibility in stride and those who wilt at the first sign of opp…
“The 2nd amendment wasn’t written so we could go hunting. It was written so we could shoot at the gov if it was ever taken over by tyrants.”
– Judge Napolitano via Twitter
“The 2nd amendment wasn’t written so we could go hunting. It was written so we could shoot at the gov if it was ever taken over by tyrants.”
– Judge Napolitano via Twitter
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
– Mao Zedong
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
– Mao Zedong
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”
– Leonardo da Vinci
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”
– Leonardo da Vinci
“When you put your faith in the people who are trying to kill you, then things can only get worse.”
– Solari Report team member
“When you put your faith in the people who are trying to kill you, then things can only get worse.”
– Solari Report Team Member
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light get’s in.”
– Leonard Cohen
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light get’s in.”
– Leonard Cohen
“It’s called, in intelligence circles, a limited hangout. You expose a piece of a crime, in order to transmit the illusion of guilt-and-justice, while the true RICO dimensions are kept out of view.
“It’s called, in intelligence circles, a limited hangout. You expose a piece of a crime, in order to transmit the illusion of guilt-and-justice, while the true RICO dimensions are kept out of view.
“Here’s what a guy told me when I was just coming up about working on a crew – You can’t be counted on, you can’t be counted in.”
– Andrew Vachss
“Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I’m a bad guy; I’m always gonna have a gun… Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on…
“Part of mass mind control is defining for people what they can feel in a given situation. Left to their own devices, people feel all sorts of things. But because television is the sticky substance th…
“The number one source of bankruptcy right now in America is a bad diagnosis.”
-Nora Gedgaudas
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
Confucius on Wikipedia
“While there is lots of power to go around (like money) most seem to focus on transference rather than generation. If we could convince people that they don’t need to take power, but can make it, I t…
In the US Treasury quarter report (you can find here, see Table 3, I can’t make this shit up) you’ll see that for the current Fiscal year to date, individual income taxes were $102.039 billion while c…
People handling power are like electrical power systems. Too little resistance and they burn out. Too much resistance and nothing happens.
~ Court Skinner
“When the Spirit takes its dwelling-place in a man he does not cease to pray, because the Spirit will constantly pray in him. Then, neither when he sleeps, nor when he is awake, will prayer be cut o…
Paedophilia is a fundamental ‘cement’ that holds the networks of manipulation together across all political persuasions and allows those in the shadows to blackmail politicians into introducing legisl…
“The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.”
–John Burroughs,
American naturalist and essayist
In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an addi…
Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.
– Henry Ford
To proceed in the face of one’s own nausea is kind of courage no one ever told us about, but it is the courage we needed and still need.
-Michael Ventura
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“
– Leonardo da Vinci
“My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.”
~Wilma Rudolph
Related Reading:
Wilma Rudolph
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
~ Plato
Related reading:
From Wikipedia
“The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything, or nothing.”
–Lady Nancy Astor,
British politician
Related Reading:
Lady Nancy Astor
Though your balance-sheet’s a model of what balance-sheet should be,
Typed and ruled with great precision in a type that all can see;
Though the grouping of the assets is commendable and clear,
“The history of the world is one of progress, and as a congenital optimist, I believe in equities. Fundamentally, in the long run, you want to be an owner, not a lender. However, you always have t…
Painting by Shervin Iranshahr
If the eye could see the demons that people the universe, existence would be impossible.
~ Talmud, Berakhot, 6
Related reading:
From Wikipedia
Berakhot (Talmu…
“I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half”.
~ Jay Gould – 19th century railroad robber baron
Related reading:
Jay Gould
From Wikipedia
America is locked in deflation. The Fed has ballooned the M2 money supply by 9.3% in the last year and M1 is up a whopping 16% (June to June) and we’ve gotten a lousy 2%-range GDP growth rate. …
“Why are you guys so anti-dictators? Imagine if America was a dictatorship. You could let 1 percent of the people have all the nation’s wealth. You could help your rich friends get richer by cutti…
“I see things getting faster, stupider and weaker all the time.”
~ Solari Report Subscriber
Jason Ferguson’s Photos
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you”
~ Princess Diana
“Always keep enough GOLD to bribe the Border Guards!”
~ Old adage
“We know that after the introduction of the euro a significant part of the Italian population suffered impoverishment.”
~ Silvio Berlusconi (shortly before the effort to throw him out of office beg…
(6 Jan 12)
Most folks haven’t grokked what Honda’s got going in the wings with their ASIMO program, but the answer is simple: ASIMO with a few tweaks and a credit card scanner can wipe out…
‘With President Obama’s campaign centering on the slogan “Forward” we wonder how many people would like to go backward?’
~ George Ure
“The fact is, California has been living beyond its means. The United States of America and its federal government has been living beyond its means. This is a day of reckoning and we have to take th…
“Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.”
~ Picasso
Related reading:
Pablo Picasso
From Wikipedia