How To: Avoid Car Trouble

How To: Avoid Car Trouble

by: James Quaid

Avoiding added expenses in this time of runaway inflation is imperative. If you own a motorized vehicle of any type, repairs can be very expensive. Doing regular inspections and mai…

Water Solutions II

Water Solutions II

Other Water Harvesting Methods:

By James Quaid

This is the second in our Water Solution Series. We’re going to be exploring Fog Fences and Solar Stills. These solutions are used typically in ar…

Water Solutions I

Water Solutions I

This is the first in our series on Water Solutions.

By James Quaid

One of the main reasons we are a “First World” country is due to our sanitation and water infrastructure. Any degradation of t…

Creating Your Next Action Steps

Creating Your Next Action Steps

Catherine Fitts and Jon Rappoport discuss getting unstuck and creating.

Fitts: What I discovered was that, certainly in America, the average American really feels incredibly constricted regardi…