The Kelly O’Meara Collection

The Kelly O’Meara Collection

“Without ever using the word ‘money,’ a practice common among inspectors general (IGs), the deputy IG at the Pentagon read an eight-page summary of DOD fiduciary failures.” ~ Kelly O’Meara, 2001 Kelly Patricia O’Meara was the original reporter to break the Missing Money story! Did you ever see the 9/11 testimony when Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney…

The Solari Papers #3

The Solari Papers #3

Musings on the Department of Defense ~ A Posting to Sasha Latypova’s Substack ~ By Catherine Austin FittsJune 2024 “Our task is to look at the world and see it whole.”~ E. F. Schumacher Read the PDF here. Introduction One of the reasons I am grateful for Sasha Latypova’s work and that of her colleague Katherine…

Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

By Corey Lynn What if you had the ability to construct the central operation center for the entire control grid from a location with no real jurisdiction and no accessibility or oversight? What if the massive power source you need to run this operation could be harnessed under the guise of “climate change” in an…

The Solari Papers #1

The Solari Papers #1

Reversing the Financial Coup d’Etat—Critical Issues in U.S. Federal Finances: A Briefing Memo for U.S. Federal and State Candidates and Legislators August 2023 By Catherine Austin Fitts PDF Available I. Introduction II. Governance III. U.S. Constitution and Federal Financial Laws IV. Sovereignty V. The U.S. Dollar System and the Going Direct Reset VI. Financial Transaction…

Top Broker-Dealers

Top Broker-Dealers

The following table shows the top 15 broker-dealers based on their assets under management in 2018. These are the firms that play an important role in helping U.S. government-issued securities to be distributed from the primary brokers that contract directly with the Federal Reserve Bank all the way down the investment chain to small retail…

Official U.S. Debt Holders

Official U.S. Debt Holders

Depending upon what news sources you read, you may have the impression that the vast majority of the official U.S. government debt is held by China and certain other large foreign governments. While it is true that China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. government-issued debt securities, a closer look at the facts presents…

Top 100 U.S. Government Contractors

Top 100 U.S. Government Contractors

The following table shows the top contractors to the United States Government as published by the U.S. General Services Administration. Dollar amounts are in USD millions. Companies with “N/A” listed under market cap are not publicly-traded (or are subsidiaries of publicly-traded parent companies.) Notes:Table does not include the New York Federal Reserve Bank as depository…

Primary Dealers of U.S. Government Securities

Primary Dealers of U.S. Government Securities

The following table shows the primary dealers of U.S. government securities. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Primary dealers are trading counterparties of the New York Fed in its implementation of monetary policy. They are also expected to make markets for the New York Fed on behalf of its official accountholders as…

Missing Money Videos

Missing Money Videos

Featured Videos Missing Money Shorts Solari Report Interviews USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter Dark Journalist Show The Corbett Report Lee Camp The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Financial Rebellion Best Evidence by John Titus

Rebellion Financial

Rebellion Financial

Rebellion Financial{“@context”:”http:\\/\\/\\/”,”@id”:”https:\\/\\/\\/financial-rebellion-test\\/#arve-html5–41″,”type”:”VideoObject”,”contentURL”:”https:\\/\\/tube.s…


Part 1 – How Did We Get Here? Catherine and CJ lay the groundwork for understanding “how we got here.” Is The Going Direct Reset disguised as a “pandemic” a totalitarian coup that has gripped the planet for the past two and a half years?


Part 2 – The Financial Coup We dive into the history of the multi-decade long financial coup and confront ourselves with lots of important questions:What does it mean for us when 21 trillion US dollars disappear? Why do we urgently need to care about what is happening?


Part 3 – The Propaganda A lucid analysis of the propaganda tactics so successfully applied during the pandemic and beyond. We dive into the world of propaganda and ask some important questions:How was it possible to establish the “new reality”? How could such a majority of the population be deceived? Or was it not deceit but coercion?

We Need To Talk About Mr Global

We Need To Talk About Mr Global

In this four-part series of tête-à-têtes between financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts and political satirist and author C.J. Hopkins, we are taken on a deep dive into the history of the financial coup that has been going on for several decades. We are learning more about the background and…


Part 4 – The Future Where is Mr Global taking us, why is Mr Global so scared of us, where is this going? In this final part Catherine Austin Fitts and C.J. Hopkins discuss the end game from Mr Global, complete control. Through the digital control grid, a sovereign human being is transformed into a natural resource. It’s more than totalitarianism, Mr Global represents a group of people who view themselves a different species. Will humanity stop participating creating the train tracks that will enslave us? It’s still a choice we have and the situation is far from hopeless.

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

[CAF Note: Bravo! One of our subscribers has been digging into the money missing from the US government. This is exactly the kind of citizen research we need to make progress on enforcing the Constitution.  Here are some quotes he assembled for us. Thank You!] By a Solari Report Subscriber A few extra links to…

Missing Money Video Page

Missing Money Video Page

See the complete interview with Dr Skidmore here Featured Video’s Shorts Solari Report Interview’s USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter Darkjournalist Show The Corbett Report Lee Camp The Bank of International Settlements Financial Rebellion Best Evidence John Titus

National Security Exemptions and SEC Rule 10b-5

National Security Exemptions and SEC Rule 10b-5

Table of Contents I. Introduction II. What Is SEC Rule 10b-5? III. The Elements of a Rule 10b-5 Claim a. Is the Government a “Person” Falling Under the Scope of 10b-5? b. Material Misrepresentations c. Scienter or Intent d. Reliance IV. How Does 10b-5 Apply to Reporting and Accounting Exemptions? a. Government Securities Exemptions b….

The History and Organization of the Federal Reserve: The What and Why of the United States’ Most Powerful Banking Organization

The History and Organization of the Federal Reserve: The What and Why of the United States’ Most Powerful Banking Organization

““Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”-James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States   Table of Contents I. IntroductionII. History and Creation of the Federal ReserveIII. Structure of the Federal Reserve System    A. The Fed’s Chain of CommandIV. Federal Open Market CommitteeV. Federal Reserve…

Classification for Investors 101

Classification for Investors 101

February 24, 2019   Table of Contents I. Introduction    A. Why Does Classification Matter to the Average Investor?    A.1. Private Entity Reporting Exemptions    A.2. Government Accounting Exemptions    A.3. Government Investment in Varied IndustriesII. How Does Classification Work? The Quick and Dirty Summary.    A. What Is Executive Order 13526?    B. Classification Authorities    C. Classification Standards, Categories, and Levels    C.1. Brief Summary of Derivative Classification    D….

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

  Table of Contents I. IntroductionII. History of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)III. FASAB and Standard 56A. What Does Standard 56 Do?B. Reporting Entities Within the Scope of Standard 56C. Changes to Disclosure Standards Under Standard 56D. Modifications to Avoid Disclosure of Classified InformationE. Reporting on Consolidation EntitiesF. Interpretations Modifying Reporting Standards in…

Legal Series – US Monetary and Fiscal Operations

Legal Series – US Monetary and Fiscal Operations

“If the provisions of the Constitution can be set aside by an Act of Congress, where is the course of usurpation to end? The present assault upon capital is but the beginning. It will be but the stepping-stone to others, larger and more sweeping, till our political contests will become a war of the poor…

Missing Money 2021 Update

Missing Money 2021 Update

Addendum to Missing Money—June 2021: An Additional $94 Trillion in DOD Accounting Adjustments Reported in Bloomberg. By Mark Skidmore On January 22, 2020, Bloomberg posted an article written by Anthony Capaccio, “Pentagon Racks Up $35 Trillion in Accounting Changes in One Year” ( In the article, the author reports that the Department of Defense recorded…

Missing Money Chronology

Missing Money Chronology

DATEEVENTCATEGORY19340131Gold Reserve Act creates the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). “The fund began operations as of April 27, 1934, financed by $2 billion of the $2.8 billion paper profit th…

Missing Money 2020 Update

Missing Money 2020 Update

Missing Money Update1 Mark Skidmore* and Catherine Austin Fitts** May 2020 PDF Copy Available Here. Related Documents: In February of 2019, Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts published the report “Should We Care about Secrecy in Financial Reporting?” (Skidmore and Fitts, 2019), which provided a review and assessment of the state of federal government financial…

#my212020 & #constantamazement

#my212020 & #constantamazement

October 5, 2020 September 21, 2020 September 14, 2020 September 7, 2020 August 31, 2020 August 27, 2020 August 17, 2020 August 13, 2020 July 29, 2020 July 22, 2020 July 15, 2020First Posted: December 9, 2019 July 8, 2020 June 29, 2020 June 15, 2020 June 8, 2020 June 1, 2020 May 26, 2020…

The U.S. Statutes Creating Modern Constitutional Financial Management and Reporting Requirements and the Government’s Failure to Follow Them

The U.S. Statutes Creating Modern Constitutional Financial Management and Reporting Requirements and the Government’s Failure to Follow Them

“About 34 percent of the federal government’s reported total assets as of September 30, 2016, and approximately 18 percent of the federal government’s reported net cost for fiscal year 2016 relate to significant federal entities that, as of the date of GAO’s audit report, were unable to issue audited financial statements, were unable to receive…

The Black Budget: The Crossroads of (Un)Constitutional Appropriations and Reporting

The Black Budget: The Crossroads of (Un)Constitutional Appropriations and Reporting

The $52.6 billion “black budget” for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses the…

The Appropriations Clause: A History of the Constitution’s (As of Yet) Underused Clause.

The Appropriations Clause: A History of the Constitution’s (As of Yet) Underused Clause.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”  ~ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 7, UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Table of Contents I. Introduction    A. Appropriations Clause    B. Permanent…



Watch the complete Video HERE or go to our Video page for more on The Missing Money “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~…

Government Links

Government Links

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution U.S. Code The Chief Officers Act of 1990 HUD…

Key Documents

Key Documents

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution See “DOD & HUD“ for Dr. Mark Skidmore’s report…

Government Contractors & Agents

Government Contractors & Agents

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution NY Federal Reserve Bank Depository for US government and…

News Coverage

News Coverage

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution    

Missing Gold

Missing Gold

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA) All That Glitters Is Not…

Missing Money in Iraq

Missing Money in Iraq

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution CPA IG Finds Halliburton Mismanaged Government Property in Iraq…

Case Studies

Case Studies

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution Hamilton Securities LitigationThe US Government shut down Hamilton Securities…

Missing Money Update:  Thrift Savings Fund—Treasury Account 026×61531

Missing Money Update: Thrift Savings Fund—Treasury Account 026×61531

Mark Skidmore* and Catherine Austin Fitts** (with Rob Kirby*** and David Pare****) August 3, 2020 PDF Copy Available Here. Related Documents: Daily Data 2000 – 2020 CSV Raw Data Archive In May 2020, we provided an update (Skidmore and Fitts, 2020,) regarding the $21 trillion in unsupported journal voucher adjustments documented in federal government reports…