This is the real story the courts will not let you hear, narrated entirely from inside a jail. All 3 parts HD. Narrated by Ammon Bundy. Produced by Gavin Seim. To support Mr. Seim’s work: Please donate. Latest Solari Donation
This is the real story the courts will not let you hear, narrated entirely from inside a jail. All 3 parts HD. Narrated by Ammon Bundy. Produced by Gavin Seim. To support Mr. Seim’s work: Please donate. Latest Solari Donation
By Umberto Pascali
The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from US and Britain ( the “US-centric internet”).
Not many un…
Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of The Offshore Financial System with Lucy Komisar here (PDF)
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
The Solari Report 2015-09-17
Listen to the Money &a…
A Simple Fix for Farming
NY Times | 19 October 2012
IT’S becoming clear that we can grow all the food we need, and profitably, with far fewer chemicals.
Inflation Not as Low as You Think, American Institute for Economic Research Says
GATA (29 Feb 12)
Bubbles – Sales of Cognac In Hectoliters
Zero Hedge (Feb 12)
Fannie Asks Gov’t for Almost $4.6B Afte…
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