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“We now have the technology to take ET home.”
~ Ben Rich, retired CEO of Lockheed Skunkworks, 1993

A comparison of the stock of Lockheed Martin, the US government’s largest defense contractor, vs. the S&P 500 is in order.  Among other responsibilities, Lockheed had lead responsibilities for numerous information and payment systems at DOD during the period from FY 1998 to FY 2015 when DOD experienced over $10 trillion of “undocumentable adjustments.”

Whether or not Lockheed is “taking ET home” as Ben Rich once suggested is impossible to say. However, Lockheed’s unique position as both weapons manufacturer and running critical aspects of the federal government. including their unique role with satellites and all things space, is taking their stock to the moon.

Related Reading:

Lockheed Cuts & Runs

The Spy Chief’s New Financial Power


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