By Kari Goodnough – Devastating Beauty – June 2010
“Oil off the Coast of Alabama”

Since shortly after oil began spewing into the Gulf of Mexico two months ago, relief wells have been discussed as the ultimate solution, their success in permanently plugging the runaway well deemed a foregone conclusion.

But BP and government officials are now talking about a long-term containment plan to pump the oil to an existing platform should the relief well effort fail. While such a failure is considered highly unlikely, the contingency plan is the latest sign that with this most vexing of engineering challenges – snuffing a gusher 5,000 feet down in the gulf – nothing is a sure thing.

Kent Wells, a BP senior vice president in charge of subsea containment and capping efforts, said Monday that the first relief well was “progressing very well” and on target to intercept the runaway well more than three miles below the surface of the gulf.

“It’s not a matter so much of if, as when,” Mr. Wells said of the effort, which will involve pumping heavy mud and cement through the relief well into the damaged well to plug the damaged well permanently.

Continue reading BP Turns to Backup Strategy to Plug Well

Related reading:

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Reuters (29 June 10)

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If It Was My Home (26 June 10)

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Yahoo News (25 June 10)

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Zero Hedge (1 June 10)

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