“What is essential is invisible to the eye.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Every week on the Solari Report, we have a Hero of the Week. At the end of the year, we choose a Hero of the Year. But what about Hero of the Century? We have never chosen one. However, if I was going to consider doing so, Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde would be on the short list.

Dr. Kilde was a Finnish physician. Born in 1939, her first experience with tyranny was an early one—she had to flee with her family during WWII. She was raised in Helsinki, graduating from medical school in 1967. She practiced medicine, becoming the provincial medical officer of Lapland in 1975 and then Lapland’s Chief Medical Officer. In 1982, she published There Is No Death. Her book Bright Light on Black Shadows was published the day after her death on February 8, 2015.

Kilde was a fearless researcher with a wealth of experience acquired from her medical practice and global networks. She was keenly interested in spiritual, energetic, and other invisible or hidden realities, including the use of advanced technology to manipulate invisibly. She worked tirelessly to expose the mind control technology used by secret military and intelligence agencies on the world population using cell phones and supercomputers and feared a plot through the World Health Organization (WHO) to depopulate a significant number of the global population using the swine flu vaccine. She was most eloquent on the danger of vaccinations and what I call “the great poisoning.”

Bright Lights on Black Shadows is a hard book to read. Kilde clearly “poured it out” in a rush, working without editors or translation assistance. Although her spoken English was excellent, her written text would be easier to read with revised organization and professional editing. But if there is anyone who understands why it is presented this way, it’s me. When a busy person is dealing with significant harassment, they need to do the best that they can do, offering the fewest possible opportunities for sabotage. That means not sharing the document until you publish it. So, the challenges in presentation speak of the courage of the author under very inhuman conditions. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Kilde for documenting the mind control and manipulation of the global population.

If you want an honest assessment by a highly capable professional of the invisible forces and technology at play (as of 2014), you will find it here. It is a reality that very few people have yet to contemplate or face. My pastor used to say, ”If we can face it, God can fix it.” The faster we get to grappling with the invisible forces at play, the better the chances we can evolve into an advanced human civilization. We also need a world of engineers and scientists to pick up this wealth of information and take us forward.

There are still numerous interviews and speeches of Dr. Kilde available online. Copies of Bright Light on Black Shadows are available online as well. This book and all of her work are highly recommended.

Dr Rauni Kilde – Full Moon (1992)

Dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde 15.11.1939 – 8.2.2015

  • 1964: Bachelor of Medicine, Oulu University, Finland
  • 1965: Junior House Surgeon, Turku University Hospital
  • 1967: LL, Licentiate of Medicine, MD, Turku University
  • 1968: Municipal Officer of Health in Kittilä
  • 1968: Pakistan, Medical Practitioner
  • 1970: Diploma in Tropical Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
  • 1970-72: Municipal Officer of Health in Pelkosenniemi-Savukoski
  • 1972: Certificate in Social Medicine, Nordic School of Public Health, Gothenburg
  • 1972-75: Acting Chief Physician, Internal Medicine, Salo District Hospital
  • 1973: Board Member of Finland’s General Practitioners
  • 1974: Specialist in General Practice
  • 1975: Certificate in Disaster Preparedness
  • 1975-87: Chief Medical Officer of Lapland
  • 1976-79: Board Member of the Red Cross of Lapland
  • 1976-84: Chairman of the Health Committee of Lapland
  • 1978: Acting Director, Department of Environmental Health and Health Education, National Institute of Health of Finland, replacing shortly CMO of Finland
  • 1978-79: Finnish Government’s Delegate and Chief Delegate at WHO/Geneva in Tropical Medicine and Health Education
  • 1979: International Red Cross, Chief Medical Delegate of the Vietnamese Boat People Refugee Program in Malaysia and Indonesia
  • 1980-84: Member of the Nordic Council Committee Arctic Medical Research
  • 1981: Specialist in Health Administration
  • 1981-86: President and Founder of the Parapsychological Association of Lapland, Honorary President 2002
  • 1982: First MD in the world to publish children’s near-death experiences (NDEs) in the best-seller There Is No Death in six languages
  • 1982: Literature Prize from WSOY [leading Finnish publisher]
  • 1983: First MD to publish on out-of-body experiences (OOBEs) and NDEs in a medical journal (Duodecim 14/83)
  • 1983: Consultant, International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)
  • 1987: Retired due to a heart injury caused by a car accident in 1985
  • 1990: First woman to receive the Civil Defense Award (Gold Brosch) in Finland
  • 1992-94: Member of the New York Academy of Sciences
  • 1992: Correspondent of the UN Parapsychological Society. UN Silver Medal
  • 1996: Organized the First Scandinavian Conference on Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Human Future in Hanasaari, Espoo
  • 1999-2001: First MD in the world to have presentations on Microchip Implants, Mind Control, Cybernetics, and Tele-Neuro-Communication in international medical conferences (Neurological and World Conference for General Practitioners, 33rd International Conference on Military Medicine)
  • 1999: First MD to publish articles on Microchip Mind Control, Implants, and Cybernetics in a medical journal (Spekula Q3/99).
  • 1999: Award, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA)

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