‘Cos its true what they say
It’s better the devil you know”
~ Kylie Minogue

By Catherine Austin Fitts

As you can see from the banner on our blog, the Solari Report is participating in The Day We Fight Back. We also continue to publish stories regarding ongoing revelations of the NSA’s use of information technology to exercise global intelligence gathering and power.

We have much greater concerns than the NSA use of this technology. The NSA is doing what it is doing for a variety of reasons. Chief among them is to ensure that the US dollar remains the global reserve currency and the US Treasury market continues to be robust and liquid.

If we say we want them to lose the capacity to do so, then we are proposing to “flip the model.” That means, we have to be prepared to have a plan to do so. Are we saying we want all social security checks to stop? Are we saying we want the American people to compete on the basis of economic productivity without benefit of being a global empire?

This, indeed, may be the moral choice. However, make no mistake about the changes that may result. It is the same question I have asked many times in connection with “hitting the red button.”

Another question of much greater concern is who will control the technology if the NSA’s hands are tied? It would mean “the data beast” would then be controlled by a series of private corporations who have no financial dependence on the US Congress, have no transparency requirements and are staffed by people who have never sworn allegiance to anything greater than themselves or, if we are very lucky, their shareholders. Essentially, they will control the most powerful technology in the world on a private basis.

Is that better than what we have now?

Indeed we should ask ourselves why the NSA revelations are being allowed to happen. Very powerful forces are bringing the NSA to heal. Why? And is it ultimately going to make things better?

When we intercede in a system to weaken one player, who is strengthened? Will the whole system be improved when power shifts to different players, or new players?

Beware the deeper game upon us.

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