Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):

Thanks to our friend Robert Ian of La Crosse, Wisconsin, video of GATA Chairman Bill Murphy’s testimony at today’s hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has been posted at YouTube in two parts. The first part is Murphy’s general statement. The second is his response to Commissioner Bart Chilton’s request for specific examples of market manipulation, Murphy’s disclosure of the evidence of market manipulation that has been gathered and delivered to the CFTC by London silver market trader Andrew Maguire.

Video of GATA Chairman Murphy’s CFTC Testimony Posted At YouTube
GATA (25 March 10)

Related reading:

CFTC Posts Video of Hearing on Metals Futures Trading
GATA (26 March 10)

Dispute Over Curbs on Metal Futures
GATA ( 26 March 10)

A Great Day at The CFTC, And Another One’s Coming
GATA (25 March 10)

Odds Stacked Against CFTC Metals Position Limits
Reuters (25 March 10)

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