Solari & the Rise of the Rule of Law
“How knowledge behaves as an economic resource, we do not yet fully understand … We need an economic theory that puts knowledge into the center of the wealth-producing process.”
— Peter F. …
“How knowledge behaves as an economic resource, we do not yet fully understand … We need an economic theory that puts knowledge into the center of the wealth-producing process.”
— Peter F. …
I watched the movie Capote last night. In the movie, Truman Capote is describing his emotional connection to one of the convicted murderers in the non-fiction story, “In Cold Blood.” He says, “It is l…
I just finished reading American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century, by Kevin Phillips. I like Phillips. I liked his last book — America…
The Lonely Crusade of Linda Ives
WSJ | 18 April 1996
The great Arkansas railway mystery
Salon | 18 August 1999
The traditional American economy is now clearly into the dump phase of a managed “pump and dump” cycle that began in the mid-1990s with the “strong dollar policy.”
The housing bubble engineered by th…
The Mind Has No Firewall: Timothy L Thomas
Parameters | April 1998
From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
SOLARILetters to the Editor
New York Times
Tim Egan’s Article on Prisons, March 7, 1999
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Thank you for Tim Egan’s article on prisons. It was an excellen…
545 People are Responsible for the Mess, But They Unite in a Common Con
Orlando Sentinel | 03 February 1984
Create problems and then campaign against…
Sec. C. Douglas Dillon
Irving Resnikoff as ‘Charles J. Fox’
Oil on canvas
By Eric Pace
Correction Appended
C. Douglas Dillon, a versatile Wall Street financier who was named secretary of the …
Originally published in December 2005
Kay Griggs speaks freely about the unimagined corruption and extent of the oppressive systems of deception within the leadership nexus of military intelligence…
YouTube | 25 November 2012
By Catherine Austin Fitts
A “limited hangout” is a partial confession, a mea culpa, if you will, that leaves the essence of a crime or covert reality hidden. Because it includes some small part of the…
By Jeff Neal, | Fri November 26, 2004 9:45AM PT
Catherine Austin Fitts possesses an extensive array of experience with identifying and managing the various forces of economic warfare …
By Jeff Neal, | Fri November 19, 2004 8:30AM PT
Catherine Austin Fitts is the founder of the Solari company, which provides a unique commentary on the global financial and political e…
Tuesday, 2 November 2004, 3:50 pm
Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Wire .
Day of the Dead: The Haunting of the White…
Barbara Kinsey Willits Fitts and Dr. William Thomas Fitts, Jr.
(then Captain, US Army Medical Corp, circa 1941-2.)
Honor thy Father and thy Mother
— The Fourth Commandment
By Catherine Austin Fi…
“And Jesus went into the temple and began to cast
out them that sold and bought in the temple, and
overthrew the tables of the money changers”
~ Mark 11:15
Jesus and the Bankers
I think…
June 4, 2004
John D. Hawke, Jr.
Comptroller of the Currency
250 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20219
Dear. Mr. Hawke:
An essential step in protecting the integrity of the regulatory process is suppor…
Thursday, 11 March 2004, 1:46 pm
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
A Request for Prayers During Litigation, March & April 2004
by Catherine Austin Fitts
Former Bush I Official Proffers Insight on White House Stonewalling
President George W. Bush’s recent campaign advertising indicates that he is proud of his record on 9-11. If this is the case, Mr. B…
“Culture is the integration of the divine in every day life.”- John Edward Hurley
Meditation I — Willie Louise
I first rode down Highway 18 South in 1978 when I was twenty-seven, riding my bicyc…
Friday, 19 December 2003, 12:42 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Mapping The Real Deal with Catherine Austin Fitts
US News & World Report Doth Protest Too Much
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, December 2003
Ladies & Gentlemen:
Sam Smith of Progressive Review once said that corruption in Washington was a culture, not a conspiracy. US News…
The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the CIA’s Black Budget and the Second Manhattan Project
Michael Salla | 11 November 2003
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The Popsicle Index is the % of people in a place who believe that a child can leave their home, go to the nearest place to buy a popsicle (ice cream) and come home alone saf…
[This article was originally published in September 2003)
“What is relevant is what solves the problem. If we had thought through real relevancies, we would be on Sirius by now.” – Sir Peter Medewa…
Tuesday, 12 August 2003, 11:06 am
Article: Catherine Austin Fitts
Mapping The Real Deal with Catherine Austin Fitts
Let’s Play 20 Questions on “Where is the Money?”
“When the government pays your exp…
[CAF Note: The following presentation is a “back casting.” It is a fictionalized story set in the future that envisions the success of one of a Solari Venture Fund – Fillmore Solari in San Franc…
“When the government pays your expenses, then your gross is your net.”
— Philadelphia Mafia Leader
Think about it:
1. Rigging g…
[This article was originally published in April 2003]
By Catherine Austin Fitts
A Tapeworm’s Triumph
The other day, a natural healing practitioner explained the strategy used by a tapeworm…
How knowledge behaves as an economic resource, we do not yet fully understand…We need an economic theory that puts knowledge into the center of the wealth-producing process.
Tuesday, 21 January 2003, 12:00 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts The Real Deal
Felix Rohatyn’s Financial Holocaust
A Response to the NY Times Bob Herbert’s ” An Appeal to Unc…
The European Union Sues RJR Tobacco for Two Decades of Global Money Laundering for Colombian Drug Lords, Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia, Saddam Hussein’s Family & New York Real Estate Investors.
Wednesday, 9 October 2002, 11:07 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Distracting You With Pocketbooks
While Your Pockets Are Picked
By Rick Ensminger and Catherin…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I stood in a visitation receiving line for four hours tonight in front of Mildred Mitchell’s open casket with my cousins and her children and their spouses. Tomorrow the fun…
Monday, 30 September 2002, 10:55 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
The Real Deal with Catherine Austin Fitts
A Response to a Reader Request That I Run for President of the United States
Friday, 16 August 2002, 11:55 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Crying In The Kitchen With Jane
The Real Deal with Catherine Austin Fitts
Appeared in From the Wilderness, October 1999
Monday, 12 August 2002, 11:32 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Mortgage Market Unanswered Questions – Hitting On HUD
Questions For Investors and Financial Analysts
to Ask the
United States Departme…
Economics 101 – A Curriculum
by Catherine Austin Fitts
My house is full of those yellow books that have titles like “Law for Dummies”, “NASCAR for Dummies”, and “Investment Clubs for Dumm…
Enron-gate: Let’s Play 20 Questions (2002)
[CAF & BEN: Do you want a brief introductory or conclusion paragraph here, or do you want the sarcasm to speak for itself? Also, one is missing its “answ…
On September 11, America experienced a national security failure. Despite America’s annual investment of approximately $350 billion in what is supposed to be the world’s f…
May 22, 2002
Congressman Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.)
114 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Van Hilleary for Governor
P.O. Box 680127
Franklin, TN 37068-0127
Re: Failure of Federal Agenc…
“How knowledge behaves as an economic resource, we do not yet fully understand … We need an economic theory that puts knowledge into the center of the wealth-producing process.”
— Peter F. …
A Letter to Congressman Isakson (R-GA), April 2002
Sent through Congressman Isakson’s website:
Senator Isakson’s Contact info
In response to his comments on Congresswoman McKinney in today’s Washin…
Letter to the Editor of the Boston Globe, April 2002
Letters to the Editor
The Boston Globe
P.O. Box 2378
Boston, Massachusetts 02107-2378
By E-mail
Re: “Winokur to Leave Harvard Board”
by …
Enron: The Anatomy of a Cover-Up
Republished from Scoop Media, The Real Deal,Tuesday, 12 March 2002
Column: Catherine Austin FittsWith Catherine Austin Fitts
Flashpoints News Radio, KPFA, Berkeley,…
Transcript of Interview of Greg Palast,
Journalist for BBC and Observer, London,
by Alex Jones
Alex Jones Radio Show, Monday (PM), March 4, 2002
AJ: …
Sunday, 10 February 2002, 2:46 pm
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
The earth is not dying. It is being killed, and the people killing it have na…
Editors Note: This is part two of an account of the extraordinary story of Maverick US Banker Catherine Austin Fitts, and new occasional contributor to Scoop. See also… Enemy Of The State – T…
HUD Fraud, Spooks and the Slumlords of Harvard
by Uri Dowbenko
First Published In The Conspiracy Digest
Catherine Austin Fitts is still trying to figure out what happened.
Her company,…
[CAF Note: Originally published on February 4, 2002 – Scoop]
by Catherine Austin Fitts,
In the movie THE PATRIOT, farmer-turned-soldier Benjamin Martin, played by Mel Gibson, develops the battle p…
Investor’s Business Daily
Letters To The Editor
12655 Beatrice St.
Los Angeles, CA
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Congratulations on your op-ed piece, “If U.S. Wins War On Terror, Why Not War On Drugs, Too?”…
Testimony of Anne Williamson Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the United States House of Representatives
September 21, 1999
Before I begin my testimony, I want to take a mome…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I am thinking tonight about the things that each one of us can do in our everyday lives that will make a small but concrete difference in transforming us to a civilization…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
When I was on Wall Street, we used to think the investment bankers who made new business visits—“cold calls”—in Alaska were pretty adventuresome. We called these tri…
Former Bush Assistant Secretary for HUD Reveals “Ethnic Cleansing”
Connected to CIA Drug Dealing in Los Angeles
Government Spends Millions in Campaign to Silence Former Wall Street Bank…
SOLARILetters to the Editor
New York Times
Tim Egan’s Article on Prisons, March 7, 1999
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Thank you for Tim Egan’s article on prisons. It was an excel…