There’s a coordinated global policy push for digital IDs as the new form of government-issued identification credentials, and they’re essentially all based on your biometric data—which can be your fingerprints, your face, the iris of your eyeball—and the idea is…to… have it tied directly to your digital ID, so your physical ID will be mapped to the digital ID.”
~ Whitney Webb

As the Solari Report has been warning for some time now, the digital ID roller coaster—a linchpin of central bankers’ dangerous financial transaction control agenda—is moving fast.

Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout has also been sounding the digital ID alarm and recently shared some illuminating remarks with filmmaker James Patrick for the documentary CBDC: The End of Money by the crowdfunded journalism outlet BigPicture.Watch. (Patrick was also the filmmaker behind Planet Lockdown, which included an interview with Catherine that rocketed around the world in late 2020.)

Webb notes that although digital ID systems are being marketed to the public as a tool for “inclusion,” “the system itself is inherently exclusionary…. It’s ‘inclusive’ in the sense that ‘We want everyone equally included in our…new control system.’” She adds, “Once your savings and your money is onboarded onto this system, they feel that they reserve the right to access and use your funds…. [T]hey essentially think that your money is their money.”

Making this explicit, the banking and payment system sectors are aggressively working to incorporate biometrics, claiming that biometric verification is superior to “cumbersome” and “outdated” authentication methods like passwords. Examples include Amazon One’s palm-reading system (connecting fingerprints to bank accounts) and J.P. Morgan Payments’ biometrics-based pilot program (involving both palm and face identification). Webb wryly comments, “I’m sure at some point if you don’t want to use your biometrics for those purposes, then your bank will be like, ‘Sorry…you can’t bank with us.’”

Remembering that JPMorgan Chase is the entity that paid out billions in selected legal, regulatory, and enforcement settlements between 2002-2019, would you trust them with your biometrics? There has never been a more important time to “just say no” to low-integrity banks and digital and biometric traps. And if your high-integrity bank starts promoting biometric IDs, tell them to stop or you will take your business elsewhere.


Digital ID: Tool of Exclusion

CBDC: The End of Money

J.P. Morgan to pilot biometrics-based payments for merchants

Related Solari Reports:

The Digital ID Threat Is Real: Don’t Fall for Empty Promises and Trojan Horse Reforms

JPMorgan Chase: Selected Legal, Regulatory, and Enforcement Settlements, 2002 to 2019

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