By Catherine Austin Fitts

I spoke at the Eagle Theater in Hammonton, New Jersey last Saturday evening.

If you are looking for a wonderful community on the East Coast, Hammonton should be on your list. Located in the beautiful pine barrens in Atlantic County, Hammonton is easy driving distance to both the New Jersey shore and Philadelphia. It is a close knit community with lots of family owned businesses and local banks. Hammonton’s elected positions are now dominated by independent third party Hammonton First. Thanks to recent and current mayors John DiDonato and Steve DiDonato, Hammonton enjoys a AAA bond rating.

After my speech, the crowd headed to a local restaurant where we discussed the state of the world, how to build wonderful communities, drank way more wine than usual and just had a blast.

Thanks, Hammonton. You are GREAT!

Related Viewing:

Here is the video the folks in Hammonton made to introduce me, describing family ties to the Philadelphia area.

[arve url=”” frameborder=”0″ width=”325″ height=”242″>
YouTube (18 Sep 11)
Directed by Dan Marro
Produced by Tracy Lucca

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