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The Solari Report – 11 Nov 10

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I’ll be driving from San Francisco to Tennessee to join Franklin Sanders at his farm for our Solari Report this Thursday evening. I have had a great time in Silicon Valley and am looking forward to seeing the green hills of home.

We have a lot to talk about, including the continued rise in precious metals prices, the meaning of the World Bank president’s trial balloon of an international gold standard at the G-20 summit and the decline in the gold-silver ratio.

I will start with Money & Markets and focus questions on precious metals.

Solari has published a special report this week for subscribers first on U.S. tax treatment of gold transfers, including from unallocated pools to allocated holdings. I will cover this material as well. Subscribers can access the the report through the Subscriber Report Archive.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Kyle Thiermann’s new video short “Buy Local, Surf Global.”

Listen live on Thursday evening by phone or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the mp3 after it is posted on Friday.

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This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog.

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