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NEW YORK. A Politics1 Exclusive. John McCain’s National Finance Co-Chairman played a key role in the recent downfall of former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (D). Reliable sources informed Politics1 that DC super-lobbyist Wayne Berman — a longtime confidant of insurance executive Maurice Hank Greenberg — authorized a private Investigation that discovered the links between Spitzer and a Florida escort service ring. Operating under the alias code-name “Wallace C. Bernheim,” Berman directed an 18-month effort that cost an estimated $2.2 million.

The investigation was allegedly paid for by a highly-secretive shadow committee Berman directed, informally nicknamed “The Group.” Sources tell Politics1 that The Group included Greenberg, Home Depot founder Ken Langone and former New York Stock Exchange Chairman Ken Grasso — all high-profile targets of Spitzer when he was Attorney General. Key players in funding the anti-Spitzer effort also included wealthy New Jersey businessman Joseph Jingoli and Florida sugar mogul Pepe Fanjul Jr. Berman also retained veteran Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone to transmit the information to the FBI five months ago. The Group also funded an on-going effort by Stone to challenge Spitzer on the “Troopergate” and illegal immigrants drivers license issues. Berman and Stone were previously partners in the Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly consulting firm, whose former clients included Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Angolan guerilla Jonas Savimbi , US Sugar, Phillip Morris Tobacco, and developer Donald Trump. Stone also had a very public sexual scandal in that past, as he was fired by Bob Dole’s 1996 Presidential campaign when it was reported that Stone and his wife were advertising for other couples in sex magazines and participated in swingers sex parties. Stone also organized the so-called “Brooks Brothers Riot” in November 2000 that shut down the Miami-Dade Presidential recount. The funders decided against giving the money to the coffers of New York Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R) — a sharp Spitzer foe — because of lack of confidence in Bruno strategist John McArdle.

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