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By Naomi Creason
It was a letter officials with the Cumberland County Library System were surprised to receive.
The system had spent some time working in partnership with the Cumberland County Commi…
Vatican Study Endorses GMOs for Food Security
Analysis: The academy aimed less to conduct an objective appraisal than to mobilize public support
By John L. Allen, Jr
In what seemed largely a forego…
By Laura Rowley
Kelli Space, 23, graduated from Northeastern University in 2009 with a bachelor’s in sociology — and a whopping $200,000 in student loan debt. Space, who lives with her parents an…
Shocking School Drug And Gang Survey
MyFox (19 Aug 10)
The Fight Against Fracking
Yes Magazine (13 Aug 10)
Millions of Fish Dead in Bolivian Rivers?Authorities Explain What Really Happened
[Note from CAF: Given that the FDIC just picked up the BofA/Merrill derivatives position, you would think BofA would be a bit more sensitive to the branding of the federal credit!]
By Joe Weisenthal