To the Governors of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, their legislators and Attorneys General:

Please do not wait for BP and the federal government to protect your coast waters and lands and the ocean that they depend on. Engage your citizens in cleaning up this oil spill now. See videos below. (1,2)

Here is how you finance it.

Start a state bank.

Have the state bank issue currency.

Pay companies like CW Roberts (you have lots of good companies with great engineers and hardworking, smart people), the farmers, and the fisherman and lots of people looking for jobs with your new currency to clean up the spill and protect our coastal areas and recapture the oils for use for local purposes.

Or have your state banks organize together and create a Gulf region currency. Decorate it with pictures of the birds, fish and wildlife of the Gulf region so that we are reminded that we can create currency and transact to protect and nourish that which we love.

Please remember that the American people, the people you serve, are a great people. They are an ingenious, intelligent people. They are a generous people. There is no telling what they can do if unleashed upon a problem. Expect miracles.

You are in our prayers,

Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.

Related Reading:

Two Wise American Farmers Are Right – Hay Should Begin To Move To The Gulf Immediately 14 May 10

Guernsey Island: A Lesson in Municipal Finance

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