The strawberries are ripening in the beds behind my kitchen. They are delicious. The birds think so too!
“and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit...”
– James 5:8
The strawberries are ripening in the beds behind my kitchen. They are delicious. The birds think so too!
“and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit...”
– James 5:8
Although it does not appear until almost the end of this article in the Financial Times, BIS Gold Swaps Mystery Unravelled, the source of the gold provided in the dollar swaps with BIS is coming from …
Breaking: Houston Mayor Bans Screening of VAXXED at Film Festival There!
Flying Cuttle Fish | 08 April 2016
Is this 1939 Germany…
Beauty Secrets of the Spies
The Intercept | 08 April 2016
Funding f…
By C. Powell
The New York Sun today editorializes brilliantly about the ironies in the conviction of Liberty Dollar founder Bernard von NotHaus. The editorial begins:
“Here is a thought experiment…
BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese firm that aims to compete with Western rating agencies declared Washington a worse credit risk than Beijing in its first report on government debt Sunday amid efforts by Chi…
Why a Recovery May Still Feel Like a Recession
New York Times (31 Jul 09) The recession has produced declines far greater than in previous downturns over the past half-century. As a result, th…
Comcast, ATT and Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer’s Browsing Histories
Slashdot | 31 March 2017
The Check is in the mail…
Southern CEO Flew to Tokyo to Look Toshiba CEO in the Eye