“War is when you allow the government to tell you who is your enemy; Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.”
“War is when you allow the government to tell you who is your enemy; Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.”
By David Liechty
JAK Medlemsbank is a member-owned bank in Skovde, Sweden that has operated an interest-free savings and loan system since 1970.
Members accumulate points monthly based on their sa…
I know in some parts it may not seem like Spring is just around the corner but in northwest Montana today it’s 40 degrees. That’s just over the cusp of allowable Spring thinking. Back when it was re…
Vladimir Putin Sending Dmitry Medvedev to Camp David Summit
The Washington Post (10 May 12)
Proposed Treasury Regulations Implementing the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”)
Related Reading:
Johann Sebastian Bach on Wikipedia
J.S. Bach.org
A Greenpeace statement on today’s vote on zero tolerance for GM contamination in animal feed will be sent once the vote has taken place.
February 22 – Industry data released on Tuesday is expected …
“”A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.”
I keep getting e-mails that militia are on the rise in America. I don’t believe a word of it. There are a lot of Ame…