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World Bank ‘Destroyed Basic Grains’ in Hondouras
By Alison Fitzgerald, et al – (22 May 2008)
House Passes Bill to Sue OPEC Over Oil Prices
By Tom Doggett – Reuters (20 May 2008)
Oil’s …
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve System
20th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20551
Dear Chairman Bernanke,
I write with concern about two announced…
by Chris Powell of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
National Geographic’s January issue has what has been the usual “global” sort of article about gold mining, written by Brook Larmer, accompan…
By Joe Weisenthal
[click on the image for a larger version]
Continue reading the article . . .
By James Quinn
Mr Paulson, best known for making $3.7bn from bets on the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market, is believed to have told investors that the new fund, to be run by Paulson &am…
China Investing in Foreign Mines and Buying Gold Directly
GATA (9 April 12)
Exposure of Gold Market Manipulation is Producing Results
GATA (8 April 12)
India’s Gold Jewelers Call Off Strike, Expecti…