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Credit: Claude Lewenz
By C. Powell
The New York Sun today editorializes brilliantly about the ironies in the conviction of Liberty Dollar founder Bernard von NotHaus. The editorial begins:
“Here is a thought experiment…
Unlived Lives
Awaken in the Dream
Airports’ Homeless Resist Efforts to Remove Them
Yahoo News (16 March 09)
Talks Willie Smits: A 20-year Tale of Hope: How we Re-grew a Rainforest
TED (March 09)
“While there is lots of power to go around (like money) most seem to focus on transference rather than generation. If we could convince people that they don’t need to take power, but can make it, I t…
Tip #1:
Buy Organic Certified organic products cannot be produced using GMO ingredients. So if you can, buy only products labeled “100% organic”, “organic,” or “made with organic ingredients.”
“I don’t think a tough question is disrespectful.”
~ Helen Thomas, UPI White House Press Corp
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I arrived in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, on Monday. Kiwi’…