“If you don’t like where you are, then change it…
you are not a tree.”
— Anonymous
“If you don’t like where you are, then change it…
you are not a tree.”
— Anonymous
[arve url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/Fx_oMTskEY4″ frameborder=”0″ width=”325″ height=”242″>
(12 July 11)
By Charles Hugh Smith of two minds.com
The Master Narrative Nobody Dares Admit
All centralized systems, open and shadow alike, act as heavy taxes on the society and economy. This is why they canno…
CUPID Drone to ‘Shock the World’ with 80,000 Volt Stun Gun
RT | 08 March 2013
A Texas film has revealed an app controlled security drone that can zap intruders with an 80,000 volt taser dart…
Note from CAF: I am in New York City on my way to see Hamilton tonight. So I will indeed give my regards to Broadway!
Related reading:
James Cagney on Wikipedia
Composer George M. Cohan on Wikip…
Transcript of Coming Clean: My Water is Wonderful with Dan Hillard is now available to Subscribers!
Subscribers: Click to download/view the Transcript.
Also find it in the blog post; at the Subs…
By B. Blake Levitt
Things are move quickly with citizen/legislative actions regarding SmartGrids/Meters: A total of 32 California towns and counting now have either legal ordinances or resolutions ba…