F.C.C., in a Shift, Backs Fast Lanes for Web Traffic
The New York Times | 23 April 2014
The principle that all Internet content should be treated equally as it flows through cables and pipes to consumers looks all but dead…

Gazprom Delighted By China Announcement Nat Gas Need To Soar By 150% In 6 Years
ZeroHedge | 24 April 2014
It may comes as a surprise to many, if certainly not the country known as Gazpromia…

Ukraine Said to Receive IMF Staff Support for $17 Billion Loan
Bloomberg | 23 April 2014
International Monetary Fund staff endorsed a $17 billion loan to Ukraine to help the government pay its debts…

Russian Su -24 Scores Off Against the American “USS Donald Cook”
Russian Radio | 21 April 2014
Russian Sukhoi Su -24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed in the Black Sea…

The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?
The Rutherford Institute | 21 April 2014
Those tempted to write off the standoff at the Bundy Ranch…

Update from Senator Fielder – Western Lawmakers Get Serious About Transferring Federal Lands to States
Jennifer Fielder | 23 April 2014
Last week I joined leaders from throughout western America at the Utah…

How California Juries Could Stand Up to Wall Street Greed
Alternet | 23 April 2014
Are Wall Street banks really too big to prosecute? Maybe not…

Brazil, Mexico, France to Back Argentina in Bonds Case in U.S. Court
Yahoo! News | 21 March 2014
Brazil, France and Mexico are expected to file papers in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday backing Argentina…

Ukip Posters are ‘Hard-Hitting Reflection of Reality’, says Nigel Farage, as Party Pledges to Spend £3m on Euro Elections
The Telegraph | 21 April 2014
Nigel Farage has defended a new immigration-centred poster UK Independence Party…

Napster Billionaire’s Next Mission: Conquer Politics
Politico | 21 April 2014
These days — in the age of the super PAC and Citizens United — a campaign donor with a million dollars to spend isn’t cool…

Obama Seeks Wider Authority To Release Drug Offenders
NPR | 21 April 2014
Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that the Obama administration is formulating new rules…

What The Hell is This American Plane Owned by the Bank of Utah Doing in Iran?
The Daily Caller | 18 April 2014
On Tuesday morning, a plane owned in trust by the Bank of Utah showed up in a very visible area…

Interlocks and Interactions Among the Power Elite
Who Rules America? | August 2013
The Corporate Community, Think Tanks, Policy-Discussion Groups, and Government…

Nevada Tribal Leader, 81, Sues BLM for $30M
Daily Sparks Tribune | 2011
The federal government seized Raymond Yowell’s cattle — all 132 head — and hauled them across the state and sold them at auction…

A New Wave of Environmental Protest Rocks China
Roar Mag.org | 18 April 2014
As recent protests against the construction of a PX refinery in Maoming attest…

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