***CAF Note: So, what was the real reason? Was Firefox not giving the access to the intelligence agencies that they enjoy with Facebook and Google? There is a game afoot here, and it has nothing to do with gay activism. Gay activists were used. That is a cover story. When will the progressive community learn to see the deeper game?***

By Martha Mendoza

The resignation of Mozilla’s CEO amid outrage that he supported an anti-gay marriage campaign is prompting concerns about how Silicon Valley’s strongly liberal culture might quash the very openness that is at the region’s foundation.

Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich stepped down Thursday as CEO, just days after his appointment. He left the nonprofit maker of the Firefox browser after furious attacks, largely on Twitter, over his $1,000 contribution to support of a now-overturned 2008 gay-marriage ban in California.

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Here is the section of the Mozilla website that includes governance and tax fillings for the Foundation

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