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Andrew Cuomo Owes Us $5 Trillion
It is not easy to engineer the bankrupting of the American middle class and the U.S. government.
Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve banks and their members can p…
By The Guardian
For the past year, the Guardian has reported on how the NSA turned its eye on ordinary American citizens after 9/11, creating a massive surveillance dragnet to collect and monitor…
“For we fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honors, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.”
~ Translation on the wall of the National Museum of Scotland from the De…
By Karl Denninger
It’s about damned time.
This is worth a read, even though it’s VERY long. The bottom line is that all the Tickers I’ve written on this subject, from bad conveyances into REMICs, …
The Economist magazine highlights research that suggests farmland yields have peaked.
[CAF Note: On the contrary, demonizing the likes of Monsanto is a very good idea.]
By The Economist
SOME of th…
Source: The Economist
The first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, with the mechanisation of the textile industry. Tasks previously done laboriously by hand in hundred…