Stronger Tank Cars Needed to Ship Oil by Rail: Agencies
Bloomberg | 23 January 2014
Crude oil hauled by rail needs to be shipped in stronger tank cars and on safer routes…

Internet Firms and Taxes: Patch-up Job
The Economist | 25 January 2014
Taxmen are doing whatever they can to squeeze more from online businesses…

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price: Everything in Our Modern World is a Lie
Inteligencia Financiera Global | 23 January 2014
The Inteligencia Financiera Global blog (Global Financial Intelligence Blog) is honored to present an exclusive interview…

T-Mobile Cashes in on Personal Finance With ‘Mobile Money’
Wall Street Cheat Sheet | 23 January 2014
T-Mobile made a big announcement Wednesday as it released a press report that unabashedly blasted consumers’ banks and offered a different solution…

Medea Creek 2014 C-SPAN

YouTube | 16 January 2014
Information about the TPP, Odious Debt, Outsourcing, Inflation, and The American Buy Out and our interview with John Perkins…

CFOs Warn Investors on Impact of Expired R&D Tax Credit
The Wall Street Journal | 22 January 2014
Companies are flagging investors they may face higher tax rates this year because the U.S. tax credit they use to offset some research and development expenses expired at the end of last year…

Where (And Why) The Super-Rich Are Investing in Real Estate
FT | 17 January 2014
Key factor in this trend is the extraordinary wealth creation in Asia in recent years…

HSBC Won’t Give Me More Than £1k Over the Counter Even After I Warned Them I Needed It – Can They Block Me From My Own Cash?
The Daily Mail | 16 January 2014
A strange thing has happened in the last few days. I went to withdraw £10,000 cash from my HSBC account in Swindon which is in credit by about £50,000…

Creator Of Netscape Praises Bitcoin, Compares It To The Invention Of PCs And The Internet
Zerohedge | 21 January 2014
The venture capital firm of Marc Andreesen, the creator of the first web browser, Andreessen Horowitz, has invested just under $50 million in Bitcoin-related start-ups…

Manipulating the Entire IPO Market With Just $250 Million
Zero Hedge | 20 January 2014
Tech isn’t exactly booming, as we’ve seen from numerous revenue and earnings debacles…

DC Judge Says US Banks Must Provide Data to Foreign Govts Under FATCA
International Advisor | 20 January 2014
In what is being seen as a major blow to US opponents of FATCA…

Financial Perspectives – Jan. 20, 2014
Financial Perspectives | 20 January 2014
Obviously this post is meant tongue-in-cheek but there actually are those that watch (and invest accordingly) these things…

Bitcoin Judged Commodity in Finland After Failing Money Test
Bloomberg | 20 January 2014
Bitcoin doesn’t meet the definition of a currency or even an electronic payment form in Finland…

Taking a Tax Bite Out of Bitcoin
Governing | 16 January 2014
Do states and localities have a revenue interest in virtual currencies?

Big Banks, Big Business and Big Bureaucrats Run the EU

YouTube | 15 January 2014
Well I have to congratulate you, Mr Samaras, for getting the Greek presidency off to such a cracking start…

Iran, Russia Ruffle US Feathers With Oil-Swap Deal
Zero Hedge | 20 January 2014
This morning’s apparent U-turn in US-Iran relations…

Obscene Wealth: World’s 85 Richest Have Same Wealth as 3.5 Billion Poorest
RT | 20 January 2014
The world’s 85 wealthiest people have as much money as the 3.5 billion poorest people on the planet…

Shell to Sell Stake in Australian Gas Field
New York Times | 20 January 2014
Royal Dutch Shell said on Monday that it would sell its minority interest in an Australian liquefied natural gas project to the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company for about $1.1 billion…

The Retail Death Rattle
The Burning Platform | 19 January 2014
If ever a chart provided unequivocal proof the economic recovery storyline is a fraud, the one below is the smoking gun…

EU Lawmakers Seal Deal on Financial Market Rules Overhaul
Bloomberg | 15 January 2014
European Union lawmakers clinched a deal to toughen the bloc’s financial-market rulebook…

A Thought Experiment in American Autarky
Of Two | 17 January 2014
The recent past has created an assumption that the U.S. can only prosper if it imports oil, goods, and services on a vast scale…

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