This video is gives a brief description of Catherine Austin Fitts. Her family background, her beliefs, and her views on the national and global economic crisis that are facing the people of the planet.
This video is gives a brief description of Catherine Austin Fitts. Her family background, her beliefs, and her views on the national and global economic crisis that are facing the people of the planet.
“At the height of the Great Depression, a group of unemployed Oakland workers decided to take matters into their own hands. The system wasn’t working, so they set up their own system. Money was ne…
Read the Transcript
Read the transcripts of the 2nd Quarter 2015: Equity Overview here. (PDF 1) (PDF 2)
Listen to the Equity Markets MP3 audio file
The Solari Report 2015-07-02
Listen t…
By Terence P. Jeffrey
Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.
**Note: We are republishing each of the 22 challenges from Catherine’s fiscal cliff article – one a week. Helps to digest them bit by bit!**
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The federal government has dele…
Zero Hedge: Can Gold-plated Tungsten be Rehypothecated Too?
GATA (24 March 12)
James Turk: Chinese Gold Imports Will Keep Increasing
GATA (23 March 12)
By Julia Werdigier
Novartis, one of Switzerland’s biggest drug makers, said Tuesday it scrapped a planned $78 million payment to its departing chairman because of pressure from shareholders and l…