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By Gregory White and Kamelia Angelova
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Vanderbilt University Name Placards For Faculty Offices Will Now Include “Preferred Pronouns”
Zero Hedge | 10 September 2016
Gender…encouraged to use newly…
Exclusive: Why Sheldon Adelson is Agai…
AngloGold to Reduce Hedge Book By 45%
By Jon A Nones – Resource Investor (6 May 2008)
Is IMF Trying to Recover Its Gold by Pretending to Sell It?
By Chris Powell – GATA (7 May 2008)
Why is Canada’…
“Ideation” Shows Unnerving Connection Between Corporate Sleaze and Designs for Mass Killing
The Komisar Scoop | 18 March 2016
Sell out whatever…
San Francisco Playhouse Presents: IDEATION By A…
A great man died today—he left us with a family, movies, businesses and gifts that will bring joy for centuries to come. Let’s take a minute to give thanks for his life and say a prayer for him and …
By Frank Morales
Back in 1992 the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff held a “Strategy Essay Competition.”
The winner was a National War College student paper entitled, “The Origins of the American…